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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing G, L, M and 3N

ENLIGHTENMENTenlightenment n. An act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed.
enlightenment n. A concept in spirituality, philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge.
Enlightenment prop.n. A 17th- and 18th-century philosophical movement in European history; the Age of Enlightenment or Age…
ENTANGLEMENTSentanglements n. Plural of entanglement.
ENTANGLEMENT n. the action of entangling.
INTERMINGLINGintermingling v. Present participle of intermingle.
intermingling n. The act by which things intermingle.
INTERMINGLE v. to intermix.
MANSPLAININGSMANSPLAINING n. the act of explaining (something) to a woman in a patronizing or condescending way.
MISCHANNELINGmischanneling v. Present participle of mischannel.
MISCHANNEL v. to channel wrongly.
MONEYLENDINGSMONEYLENDING n. the business of lending money.
NONALIGNMENTSnonalignments n. Plural of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
NONCOMPLYINGSNONCOMPLYING n. the failure to comply; noncompliance.
NONJUDGMENTALnonjudgmental adj. Without making judgements, especially those based upon personal ethics or opinions.
NONJUDGMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGEMENTAL.
NONLEGUMINOUSnonleguminous adj. Not leguminous.
NONLEGUMINOUS adj. not leguminous.
NONMANAGERIALnonmanagerial adj. (Management) Not managerial.
NONMANAGERIAL adj. not managerial.
NONMEANINGFULnonmeaningful adj. Not meaningful.
NONMEANINGFUL adj. not meaningful.
NONREGIMENTALnonregimental adj. Not regimental.
NONREGIMENTAL adj. not regimental.
UNCOMPLAININGuncomplaining adj. Without complaint; patient and tolerant.
UNCOMPLAINING adj. not complaining.
UNDEMANDINGLYundemandingly adv. In an undemanding way; not demanding anything or anyone.
UNGENTLEMANLYungentlemanly adj. Not gentlemanly; not adhering to the high moral standards expected of a gentleman; impolite, unchivalrous…
ungentlemanly adv. In a manner not befitting a gentleman.
UNGENTLEMANLY adj. not like a gentleman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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