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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing G, 2L, S, T and V

EVERLASTINGLYeverlastingly adv. In an everlasting manner; without end; forever.
everlastingly adv. Perpetually; constantly.
EVERLASTING adv. lasting forever.
GALVANOPLASTYgalvanoplasty n. The process of galvanizing, of coating with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means.
GALVANOPLASTY n. (obsolete) electrodeposition.
LEGISLATIVELYlegislatively adv. By legislation, by the method of enacting laws.
LEGISLATIVE adv. relating to legislation.
TELEVANGELISMtelevangelism n. Evangelism using telecommunications, especially radio and television.
TELEVANGELISM n. evangelism through the medium of television.
TELEVANGELISTtelevangelist n. A religious minister (often a Christian priest or minister) who devotes a large portion of his or her…
TELEVANGELIST n. an evangelist who conducts regularly televised religious programs.
VEXILLOLOGISTvexillologist n. One who studies flags.
VEXILLOLOGIST n. one who studies flags.
VIGINTILLIONSvigintillions n. Plural of vigintillion.
VIGINTILLION n. ten to the power of 63.
VILLAGISATIONvillagisation n. Alternative spelling of villagization.
VILLAGISATION n. the process of making into a village, also VILLAGIZATION.
VITELLIGENOUSvitelligenous adj. (Zoology) Producing yolk, or vitelline substance; applied to certain cells formed in the ovaries of…
VITELLIGENOUS adj. producing yolk.
VITELLOGENINSvitellogenins n. Plural of vitellogenin.
VOLCANOLOGISTvolcanologist n. One who is skilled in, professes or practices volcanology.
VOLCANOLOGIST n. one who studies volcanology, also VULCANOLOGIST.
VULCANOLOGISTvulcanologist n. A person who studies volcanos.
VULCANOLOGIST n. one who studies vulcanology, also VOLCANOLOGIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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