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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing G, H, P, 2R and U

CERAUNOGRAPHSceraunographs n. Plural of ceraunograph.
CERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording thunderstorms by detecting the radio waves generated, also KERAUNOGRAPH.
DRAUGHTPROOFSdraughtproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of draughtproof.
DRAUGHTPROOF v. to make proof against draughts.
FLUOROGRAPHICfluorographic adj. Relating to fluorography.
FLUOROGRAPHIC adj. relating to fluorography.
KERAUNOGRAPHSkeraunographs n. Plural of keraunograph.
KERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for detecting distant thunderstorms, also CERAUNOGRAPH.
PHOTOGRAVURESphotogravures n. Plural of photogravure.
PHOTOGRAVURE n. printing from engraved plates photographically prepared.
PREPURCHASINGprepurchasing v. Present participle of prepurchase.
PREPURCHASE v. to purchase in advance.
PSYCHOSURGERYpsychosurgery n. (Surgery) Surgery of the brain to treat or alleviate mental illness.
PSYCHOSURGERY n. cerebral surgery employed in treating psychic symptoms.
SUBPARAGRAPHSsubparagraphs n. Plural of subparagraph.
sub-paragraphs n. Plural of sub-paragraph (alternative spelling of subparagraphs).
SUBPARAGRAPH n. a subdivision of a paragraph.
SUPERCHARGERSsuperchargers n. Plural of supercharger.
SUPERCHARGER n. a device for increasing the pressure, and hence the power output, in an internal-combustion engine.
SUPERCHARGINGsupercharging v. Present participle of supercharge.
SUPERCHARGE v. to charge greatly or excessively, as with vigor or tension.
SUPERGRAPHICSsupergraphics n. Large graphics that are applied with vibrant colors, usually in geometric shapes, over walls or floors…
SUPERGRAPHICS n. billboard-sized graphic shapes usually of bright color and simple design.
SUPERSTRENGTHsuperstrength n. Remarkable strength, above and beyond that of normal human strength.
superstrength n. (Of an alcoholic beverage) Remarkable strength, containing a higher percentage of alcohol than is typical or expected.
superstrength n. Superhuman strength.
SURROGATESHIPsurrogateship n. The position or office of a surrogate.
SURROGATESHIP n. the office of surrogate.
UNREPROACHINGunreproaching adj. That does not reproach.
UNREPROACHING adj. not reproaching.
URANOGRAPHERSuranographers n. Plural of uranographer.
URANOGRAPHER n. one who maps the constellations.
URANOGRAPHIESuranographies n. Plural of uranography.
URANOGRAPHY n. descriptive astronomy and mapping.
URANOGRAPHISTURANOGRAPHIST n. one who practises uranography, descriptive astronomy and mapping.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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