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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing G, H, L, M and 2S

FLASHMOBBINGSFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
GENTILSHOMMESGENTILHOMME n. (French) a nobleman, a gentleman.
GOLDSMITHRIESGOLDSMITHRY n. the craft of a goldsmith, also GOLDSMITHERY.
HEMATOLOGISTShematologists n. Plural of hematologist.
HEMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in hematology, also HAEMATOLOGIST.
HOBGOBLINISMSHOBGOBLINISM n. the state of being a hobgoblin, also HOBGOBLINRY.
LANGUISHMENTSlanguishments n. Plural of languishment.
LANGUISHMENT n. the act of languishing.
LIGHTSOMENESSlightsomeness n. (Archaic) The state or quality of being lightsome.
LIGHTSOME n. having light; not dark or gloomy.
LOCKSMITHINGSLOCKSMITHING n. the work or business of a locksmith.
MANSLAUGHTERSmanslaughters n. Plural of manslaughter.
MANSLAUGHTER n. the unlawful killing of a human being without express or implied malice.
MISCHALLENGESmischallenges n. Plural of mischallenge.
MISCHALLENGE n. (Spenser) an unjust challenge.
MORPHOLOGISTSmorphologists n. Plural of morphologist.
MORPHOLOGIST n. a student of morphology.
MYTHOLOGISERSmythologisers n. Plural of mythologiser.
MYTHOLOGISER n. one who mythologises, also MYTHOLOGIZER.
PHRAGMOPLASTSphragmoplasts n. Plural of phragmoplast.
PHRAGMOPLAST n. the enlarged barrel-shaped spindle that is characteristic of the later stages of plant mitosis and within which the cell plate forms.
PSYCHOLOGISMSpsychologisms n. Plural of psychologism.
PSYCHOLOGISM n. a theory that applies psychological conceptions to the interpretation of historical events or logical thought.
SLEDGEHAMMERSsledgehammers n. Plural of sledgehammer.
SLEDGEHAMMER n. a large hammer used e.g. for breaking rocks.
SMALLHOLDINGSsmallholdings n. Plural of smallholding.
small␣holdings n. Plural of small holding.
SMALLHOLDING n. a small-scale farm.
SPHYGMOLOGIESSPHYGMOLOGY n. the study of the pulse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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