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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing G, N, 2P and 2R

KLIPSPRINGERklipspringer n. A small antelope native to eastern and southern Africa having a dense, brown, speckled coat.
KLIPSPRINGER n. (South African) a small, hoofed African antelope.
OVERCROPPINGovercropping v. Present participle of overcrop.
OVERCROP v. to exhaust the land.
OVERTRIPPINGovertripping v. Present participle of overtrip.
OVERTRIP v. to trip nimbly over.
OVERWRAPPINGoverwrapping v. Present participle of overwrap.
overwrapping n. A secondary outer wrapping around an item.
OVERWRAP v. to wrap excessively.
PANTOGRAPHERpantographer n. One who uses a pantograph.
PANTOGRAPHER n. one who uses a pantograph.
PAPERHANGERSpaperhangers n. Plural of paperhanger.
PAPERHANGER n. one that applies wallpaper.
PARADROPPINGparadropping v. Present participle of paradrop.
PARADROP v. to deliver by parachute.
PARAGRAPHINGparagraphing v. Present participle of paragraph.
paragraphing n. A division into paragraphs.
PARAGRAPH v. to split up into paragraphs.
PARAPHRASINGparaphrasing v. Present participle of paraphrase.
paraphrasing n. A paraphrased statement.
PARAPHRASE v. to restate in different words.
PERIPHRASINGperiphrasing v. Present participle of periphrase.
PERIPHRASE v. to use more words than are necessary to express an idea.
PERPETRATINGperpetrating v. Present participle of perpetrate.
PERPETRATE v. to bring about or carry out, as a crime or deception.
PERSPIRATINGperspirating v. Present participle of perspirate.
PERSPIRATE v. to sweat.
PERSPIRINGLYperspiringly adv. While perspiring; with perspiration or sweat.
PERSPIRING adv. PERSPIRE, to exude sweat through the pores of the skin.
PHONOGRAPHERphonographer n. (Obsolete) A person skilled at phonography.
PHONOGRAPHER n. a specialist in phonography.
PORNOGRAPHERpornographer n. One who is involved in the creation or dissemination of pornography.
PORNOGRAPHER n. one who produces pornography.
PORNOGRAPHICpornographic adj. Containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity.
PORNOGRAPHIC adj. relating to pornography.
PREAPPROVINGpreapproving v. Present participle of preapprove.
PREAPPROVE v. to approve in advance.
REAPPARELINGreappareling v. Present participle of reapparel.
REAPPAREL v. to clothe again.
REAPPRAISINGreappraising v. Present participle of reappraise.
REAPPRAISE v. to appraise again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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