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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing G, M, O, S, U and Y

CHEMOSURGERYchemosurgery n. (Medicine) The selective destruction of diseased or malignant tissue by means of chemical substances;…
CHEMOSURGERY n. the chemical removal of diseased or unwanted tissue.
CRYPTOGAMOUScryptogamous adj. Of or pertaining to the cryptogams.
CRYPTOGAMOUS adj. of or like a cryptogam.
CYNOMOLGUSEScynomolguses n. Plural of cynomolgus.
CYNOMOLGUS n. a type of macaque.
GAMOPHYLLOUSgamophyllous adj. (Botany) Composed of leaves or segments (e.g. perianth) united by their edges, compare apophyllous (free segments).
GAMOPHYLLOUS adj. with perianth leaves united.
GYMNATORIUMSgymnatoriums n. Plural of gymnatorium.
HOMOGONOUSLYHOMOGONOUS adv. exhibiting homogony, the condition of having flowers of equal size.
HOMOZYGOUSLYhomozygously adv. In a homozygous manner.
HOMOZYGOUS adv. inheriting a given genetic factor from both parents.
HYPOGASTRIUMhypogastrium n. An area of the human abdomen residing below the umbilicus.
HYPOGASTRIUM n. (Latin) the lower middle abdominal region.
MICROSURGERYmicrosurgery adj. Relating to techniques of surgery on very small or delicate parts of the body.
microsurgery n. Surgical procedures that are very small.
MICROSURGERY n. minute dissection or manipulation (as by a micromanipulator or laser beam) of living structures or tissue.
MONOGAMOUSLYmonogamously adv. In a monogamous manner.
MONOGAMOUS adv. relating to monogamy, also MONOGAMISTIC.
MYSTAGOGUSESMYSTAGOGUS n. one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who initiates others into religious cults, also MYSTAGOG, MYSTAGOGUE.
POLYGAMOUSLYpolygamously adv. In a polygamous manner.
POLYGAMOUS adv. of or pertaining to polygamy.
POLYGONATUMSPOLYGONATUM n. the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum, of the lily family.
POMPHOLYGOUSPOMPHOLYGOUS adj. of or like a pompholyx, a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles.
PROGYMNASIUMprogymnasium n. In Germany, a classical school without the higher classes; a school preparatory to a gymnasium.
PROGYMNASIUM n. in Germany, a gymnasium for pupils up to age 16 only, at which university entrance qualifications are not obtainable.
RAMPAGEOUSLYrampageously adv. In a rampageous manner.
RAMPAGEOUS adv. turbulent; unruly, also RAMPACIOUS.
UMBRAGEOUSLYumbrageously adv. In an umbrageous manner.
UMBRAGEOUS adv. shady.
ZYGOMORPHOUSzygomorphous adj. Zygomorphic.
ZYGOMORPHOUS adj. bilaterally symmetrical, also ZYGOMORPHIC.
ZYGOMYCETOUSzygomycetous adj. Of or relating to the zygomycetes.
ZYGOMYCETOUS adj. of or like a zygomycete, one of a group of fungi marked by the production of zygospores.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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