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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing G, 2L, 2T and U

AIGUILLETTESaiguillettes n. Plural of aiguillette.
AIGUILLETTE n. (French) the tag covering the ends of a lace, also AGLET, AIGLET.
BULLSHITTINGbullshitting v. Present participle of bullshit.
BULLSHITTING n. talking nonsense.
FLUTTERINGLYflutteringly adv. In a fluttering manner.
GLUTTONOUSLYgluttonously adv. In a gluttonous manner.
GLUTTONOUS adv. marked by or given to gluttony.
GRATEFULLESTgratefullest adj. Superlative form of grateful: most grateful.
GRATEFUL adj. deeply thankful.
ILLUSTRATINGillustrating v. Present participle of illustrate.
ILLUSTRATE v. to elucidate and amplify by pictures.
METALLURGISTmetallurgist n. (Dated) A person who works in metal (the type of material).
metallurgist n. A person skilled in metallurgy.
METALLURGIST n. a practitioner of metallurgy.
MULTUNGULATEmultungulate adj. Having many hoofs.
multungulate n. Any mammal with many hoofs.
MULTUNGULATE adj. having the hoof divided into more than two parts.
PLUTOLOGISTSplutologists n. Plural of plutologist.
PLUTOLOGIST n. a student of plutology, political economy.
POLYGLOTTOUSpolyglottous adj. (Rare) Speaking many languages; polyglot.
SUBTOTALLINGsubtotalling v. Present participle of subtotal.
SUBTOTAL v. to total a portion of.
SUPRAGLOTTALsupraglottal adj. (Anatomy) Above the glottis.
SUPRAGLOTTAL adj. above the glottis.
TAUTOLOGICALtautological adj. Of, relating to, or using tautology.
tautological adj. Using repetition or excessive wordiness; pleonastic or circumlocutionary.
TAUTOLOGICAL adj. relating to tautology, also TAUTOLOGIC.
THOUGHTFULLYthoughtfully adv. In a thoughtful or pensive manner.
thoughtfully adv. In a way that shows kindness or consideration for others.
THOUGHTFUL adv. absorbed in thought.
UNSETTLINGLYunsettlingly adv. In an unsettling manner.
UNSETTLING adv. disconcerting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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