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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing G, I, N, 2T and Z

APOSTATIZINGapostatizing v. Present participle of apostatize.
APOSTATIZE v. to change one's religious allegiance; forsake one's principles, also APOSTATISE.
AUTOMATIZINGautomatizing v. Present participle of automatize.
AUTOMATIZE v. to make automatic, also AUTOMATISE.
AUTOTOMIZINGautotomizing v. Present participle of autotomize.
AUTOTOMIZE v. to effect an autotomy, the reflex loss of part of the body to save the whole (in lizards, etc.), also AUTOTOMISE.
BURNETTIZINGburnettizing v. Present participle of burnettize.
BURNETTIZE v. to subject (wood, fabrics, etc.) to a process of saturation in a solution of chloride of zinc, to prevent decay, also BURNETTISE.
DIGITIZATIONdigitization n. (Computing) The conversion of data or information from analog to digital or binary.
digitization n. (Computing) Hence, the transformation of a process or system from mainly analogue form to digital form.
DIGITIZATION n. the process of making digital, also DIGITISATION.
GAZETTEERINGgazetteering v. Present participle of gazetteer.
GAZETTEER v. to mention in a gazette.
GLUTTONIZINGgluttonizing v. Present participle of gluttonize.
GLUTTONIZE v. to eat to excess, also GLUTTONISE.
MEZZOTINTINGmezzotinting v. Present participle of mezzotint.
MEZZOTINT v. to engrave using a method of copper engraving with even gradation of tones.
STIGMATIZINGstigmatizing v. Present participle of stigmatize.
STIGMATIZE v. to mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients stigmatized their slaves and soldiers, also STIGMATISE.
STRATEGIZINGstrategizing v. Present participle of strategize.
strategizing n. The formulation of a strategy.
STRATEGIZE v. to devise a strategy or course of action, also STRATEGISE.
SYNTHETIZINGsynthetizing v. Present participle of synthetize.
SYNTHETIZE v. to put together in a synthesis, also SYNTHETISE.
TANTALIZINGStantalizings n. Plural of tantalizing.
TANTALIZING n. tormenting by presenting something desirable but keeping it out of reach.
TEXTUALIZINGtextualizing v. Present participle of textualize.
TRAUMATIZINGtraumatizing v. Present participle of traumatize.
TRAUMATIZE v. to inflict a trauma upon, also TRAUMATISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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