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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing G, H, I, 2N and Z

CHANNELIZINGchannelizing v. Present participle of channelize.
CHANNELIZE v. to create or provide a channel for, also CHANNELISE.
CHLORINIZINGchlorinizing v. Present participle of chlorinize.
CHLORINIZE v. to chlorinate, also CHLORINISE.
CINCHONIZINGcinchonizing v. Present participle of cinchonize.
CINCHONIZE v. to treat with cinchona or quinine, also CINCHONISE.
DEHUMANIZINGdehumanizing v. Present participle of dehumanize.
dehumanizing n. An act of dehumanization.
DEHUMANIZE v. to deprive of human qualities, also DEHUMANISE.
DETHRONIZINGdethronizing v. Present participle of dethronize.
DETHRONIZE v. to dethrone, also DETHRONISE.
ENTHRONIZINGenthronizing v. Present participle of enthronize.
ENTHRONIZE v. to enthrone e.g. a bishop, also ENTHRONISE.
HANSARDIZINGHansardizing v. Present participle of Hansardize.
HANSARDIZE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDISE.
HEATHENIZINGheathenizing v. Present participle of heathenize.
HEATHENIZE v. to render heathen or heathenish, also HEATHENISE.
HEPARINIZINGheparinizing v. Present participle of heparinize.
HOMOGENIZINGhomogenizing v. Present participle of homogenize.
HOMOGENIZE v. to make homogeneous, also HOMOGENISE.
HYPNOIDIZINGHYPNOIDIZE v. to put in the hypnoidal state, also HYPNOIDISE.
MONARCHIZINGmonarchizing v. Present participle of monarchize.
MONARCHIZE v. to play the sovereign; to act the monarch, also MONARCHISE.
REHUMANIZINGrehumanizing v. Present participle of rehumanize.
REHUMANIZE v. to make human again, also REHUMANISE.
SYNTHESIZINGsynthesizing v. Present participle of synthesize.
synthesizing n. An act of making synthesis.
SYNTHESIZE v. to combine or produce by synthesis, also SYNTHESISE.
SYNTHETIZINGsynthetizing v. Present participle of synthetize.
SYNTHETIZE v. to put together in a synthesis, also SYNTHETISE.
TECHNICIZINGTECHNICIZE v. to render technical or technological, also TECHNICISE.
TRICHINIZINGtrichinizing v. Present participle of trichinize.
TRICHINIZE v. to infest with trichinae, a small, slender nematoid worm, also TRICHINISE, TRICHINOSE.
UNHUMANIZINGunhumanizing v. Present participle of unhumanize.
UNHUMANIZE v. to render inhuman or barbarous, also UNHUMANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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