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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2G, I, L, M and R

BEGLAMOURINGbeglamouring v. Present participle of beglamour.
BEGLAMOUR v. to impress with glamour, also BEGLAMOR.
GLAMOURISINGglamourising v. Present participle of glamourise.
GLAMOURIZINGglamourizing v. Present participle of glamourize.
GLIMMERINGLYglimmeringly adv. In a glimmering manner.
glimmeringly adv. By way of vague, imprecise notions or suspicions.
GLIMMERING adv. shining faintly.
GORILLAGRAMSgorillagrams n. Plural of gorillagram.
GORILLAGRAM n. a greetings telegram delivered by a person dressed in a gorilla suit.
GREENMAILINGgreenmailing v. Present participle of greenmail.
GREENMAIL v. to buy a large quantity of a company's stock as a hostile takeover measure, and then sell it to the company at a higher price.
MAILGRAMMINGmailgramming v. Present participle of mailgram.
MAILGRAM v. (tradename) to send a letter electronically.
MICROBLOGGERmicroblogger n. A person who writes a microblog.
MICROBLOGGER n. one who keeps a microblog.
MONGRELISINGmongrelising v. Present participle of mongrelise.
MONGRELISE v. to make mongrel, also MONGRELIZE.
MONGRELIZINGmongrelizing v. Present participle of mongrelize.
MONGRELIZE v. to make mongrel, also MONGRELISE.
OVERGLOOMINGoverglooming v. Present participle of overgloom.
OVERGLOOM v. to cover with gloom.
PILGRIMAGERSpilgrimagers n. Plural of pilgrimager.
PILGRIMAGER n. one who goes on a pilgrimage, also PILGRIM, PILGRIMER.
PILGRIMAGINGpilgrimaging v. Present participle of pilgrimage.
PILGRIMAGE v. to go on pilgrimage.
PILGRIMISINGpilgrimising v. Present participle of pilgrimise.
PILGRIMISE v. to go on pilgrimage, also PILGRIMIZE.
PILGRIMIZINGpilgrimizing v. Present participle of pilgrimize.
PILGRIMIZE v. to go on pilgrimage, also PILGRIMISE.
PROMULGATINGpromulgating v. Present participle of promulgate.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.
TELEGRAMMINGtelegramming v. Present participle of telegram.
TELEGRAM v. to send a message by telegraph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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