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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 3G, I and 2N

AGGLUTINOGENagglutinogen n. (Biochemistry) Any antigen that stimulates the production of an agglutinin.
AGGLUTINOGEN n. a substance causing the production of agglutinin.
AGGRANDISINGaggrandising v. Present participle of aggrandise.
AGGRANDISE v. to increase the power or rank of; to make greater, also AGGRANDIZE.
AGGRANDIZINGaggrandizing v. Present participle of aggrandize.
AGGRANDIZE v. to increase the power or rank of; to make greater, also AGGRANDISE.
BOONDOGGLINGboondoggling v. Present participle of boondoggle.
BOONDOGGLE v. to carry out unnecessary work.
CONGREGATINGcongregating v. Present participle of congregate.
CONGREGATE v. to collect into a group or crowd.
ENGAGINGNESSengagingness n. The state or quality of being engaging.
ENGAGINGNESS n. the state of being engaging.
GANGSHAGGINGGANGSHAG v. to carry out a gangshag, also GANGBANG.
GRANGERISINGgrangerising v. Present participle of grangerise.
grangerising n. Synonym of grangerisation.
Grangerising n. Alternative letter-case form of grangerising.
GRANGERIZINGgrangerizing v. Present participle of grangerize.
GRANGERIZE v. to illustrate a book with illustrations from other books; to mutilate a book by stealing its illustrations, also GRANGERISE.
GUNFIGHTINGSGUNFIGHTING n. the act of fighting with guns.
GUNSLINGINGSGUNSLINGING n. the act of wearing a gun.
HANDBAGGINGShandbaggings n. Plural of handbagging.
HANDBAGGING n. an attack with a handbag.
SNIGGERINGLYsniggeringly adv. With sniggers; with sardonic laughter.
SNIGGERING adv. laughing in a sly way.
TARBOGGININGtarboggining v. Present participle of tarboggin.
TARBOGGIN v. to sledge on a tarboggin, also TABOGGAN, TOBOGGAN, TOBOGGIN.
TOBOGGANINGStobogganings n. Plural of tobogganing.
TOBOGGANING n. the sport of sledging by toboggan.
UNFLAGGINGLYunflaggingly adv. In an unflagging manner; without becoming tired.
UNFLAGGING adv. not flagging.
UNGRUDGINGLYungrudgingly adv. Without a grudge.
UNGRUDGING adv. being without envy or reluctance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 45 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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