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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing G, I, 2R, T and V

GRAVIMETERSgravimeters n. Plural of gravimeter.
GRAVIMETER n. an instrument for measuring variations in gravitational fields.
GRAVIMETRICgravimetric adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to measurement by weight.
gravimetric adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to measurement of the local gravitational field.
GRAVIMETRIC adj. of or relating to measurement by weight, also GRAVIMETRICAL.
GRAVITATERSGRAVITATER n. one who gravitates.
INVIGORATORinvigorator n. One who, or that which, invigorates.
INVIGORATOR n. one who invigorates.
MARGRAVIATEmargraviate n. Alternative form of margravate.
MARGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a margrave, also MARGRAVATE.
OVERFREIGHToverfreight v. (Transitive) To overload with freight.
OVERFREIGHT v. to overload.
OVERNIGHTERovernighter n. A person who overnights, or stays overnight.
overnighter n. Something that serves overnight travel, such as a night train.
overnighter n. (Informal) A stay or event that takes place overnight.
OVERPARTINGoverparting v. Present participle of overpart.
OVERPART v. to give an actor too difficult a part.
OVERSTARINGoverstaring v. Present participle of overstare.
OVERSTARE v. to outstare.
OVERTRADINGovertrading v. Present participle of overtrade.
overtrading n. The buying of a greater amount of goods than one can sell or pay for.
OVERTRADING n. trading beyond one's capital.
OVERTURNINGoverturning v. Present participle of overturn.
overturning n. The act by which something is overturned.
OVERTURN v. to turn over.
OVERWRITINGoverwriting v. Present participle of overwrite.
OVERWRITE v. to write in a laboured manner.
PREROGATIVEprerogative n. A hereditary or official right or privilege.
prerogative n. A right, or power that is exclusive to a monarch etc, especially such a power to make a decision or judgement.
prerogative n. A right, especially when due to one’s position or role.
RETRIEVINGSretrievings n. Plural of retrieving.
RETRIEVING n. the act of retrieving.
REVIBRATINGrevibrating v. Present participle of revibrate.
REVIBRATE v. to vibrate again.
STRAVAIGERSstravaigers n. Plural of stravaiger.
STRAVAIGER n. (Scots) a wanderer, idler.
TRAVERSINGStraversings n. Plural of traversing.
TRAVERSING n. the act of traversing.
VARIEGATORSvariegators n. Plural of variegator.
VARIEGATOR n. something or someone that variegates.
VERBERATINGverberating v. Present participle of verberate.
VERBERATE v. (archaic) to beat.
VERBIGERATEverbigerate v. (Intransitive) To repeat meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental illness.
verbigerate v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To talk; to chat.
VERBIGERATE v. to continually repeat a word or phrase, usually unconsciously.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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