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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing G, I, 2P and 2S

BOSSNAPPINGbossnapping n. A means of activism in which staff kidnap or surround a corporate executive until demands are met.
BOSSNAPPING n. kidnapping a company executive as part of industrial action.
GYPSOPHILASgypsophilas n. Plural of gypsophila.
GYPSOPHILA n. a garden flower.
MISSTEPPINGmisstepping v. Present participle of misstep.
MISSTEP v. to make a wrong step.
MISSTOPPINGmisstopping v. Present participle of misstop.
MISSTOP v. to stop wrongly.
PASSPORTINGpassporting n. The provision of commercial services in another EEA (European Economic Area) country without requiring…
PASSPORT v. in the European Economic Area) to award a firm that is registered in one member state the right to do business in every other member state without applying to each country for authorization.
PEMPHIGUSESPEMPHIGUS n. (Greek) a somewhat rare skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different parts of the body, also PEMPHIX.
PENPUSHINGSPENPUSHING n. boring paperwork involving much writing.
PEPSINOGENSpepsinogens n. Plural of pepsinogen.
PEPSINOGEN n. a substance in the mucous membrane of the stomach which converts into pepsin in a slightly acid medium.
SHAGANAPPISshaganappis n. Plural of shaganappi.
SKIPPERINGSSKIPPERING n. the act of sleeping rough.
SPIROGRAPHSspirographs n. Plural of spirograph.
Spirographs n. Plural of Spirograph.
SPIROGRAPH n. an instrument recording movements of breathing.
SUPERPOSINGsuperposing v. Present participle of superpose.
SUPERPOSE v. to place above or on something else.
SUPPORTINGSsupportings n. Plural of supporting.
SUPPORTING n. the act of supporting.
SUPPRESSINGsuppressing v. Present participle of suppress.
suppressing n. The act by which something is suppressed; a suppression.
SUPPRESS v. to subdue or hold back.
UPSTEPPINGSUPSTEPPING n. the act of stepping up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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