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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing G, I, O, 2P and Y

APPROVINGLYapprovingly adv. In an approving manner.
APPROVING adv. APPROVE, to regard favourably.
GYPSOPHILASgypsophilas n. Plural of gypsophila.
GYPSOPHILA n. a garden flower.
HIPPOGRYPHShippogryphs n. Plural of hippogryph.
HIPPOGRYPH n. a fabulous winged animal, half horse and half griffin, also HIPPOGRIFF.
PHENOTYPINGphenotyping n. (Genetics) The construction, recording and analysis of phenotypes.
PHENOTYPE v. to categorise by phenotype, also PHAENOTYPE.
PHONOTYPINGPHONOTYPE v. to print in phonotype.
PHOTOTYPINGphototyping v. Present participle of phototype.
PHOTOTYPE v. to print by this means.
PHYTOPHAGICphytophagic adj. Alternative form of phytophagous.
PHYTOPHAGIC adj. feeding on plants, also PHYTOPHAGOUS.
PICTOGRAPHYpictography n. Writing in pictographs; hieroglyphics.
PICTOGRAPHY n. the use of pictographs.
POLYGRAPHICpolygraphic adj. Pertaining to, relating to polygraphy.
polygraphic adj. Done or made with a polygraph.
POLYGRAPHIC adj. relating to a polygraph.
POLYPHAGIASpolyphagias n. Plural of polyphagia.
POLYPHAGIA n. the eating of excessive amounts, or many different kinds, of food.
POLYPHAGIESPOLYPHAGY n. the practice or faculty of subsisting on many kinds of food.
PROPERTYINGpropertying v. Present participle of property.
PROPERTY v. to make one's own property, appropriate, take or hold possession of.
PROPHESYINGprophesying v. Present participle of prophesy.
prophesying n. A prophecy.
prophesying n. (Historical) A religious meeting to discuss parts of Scripture and their possible use in sermons.
PROTOTYPINGprototyping n. The rapid creation of prototypes of a new product for demonstration and research purposes.
PROTOTYPE v. to make a prototype.
PYROGRAPHICpyrographic adj. Relating to pyrography.
PYROGRAPHIC adj. relating to pyrography.
SPIROGRAPHYspirography n. (Medicine) The measurement of breathing movements.
SPIROGRAPHY n. the recording of breathing movements.
TIPPYTOEINGtippytoeing v. Present participle of tippytoe.
TIPPYTOE v. to walk on the tips of one's toes, also TIPTOE.
TYPOGRAPHIAtypographia n. Miscellaneous materials relating to printers and printing.
TYPOGRAPHIA n. matter relating to printing or printers.
TYPOGRAPHICtypographic adj. Relating to typography.
TYPOGRAPHIC adj. relating to typography, the art of printing or using type, also TYPOGRAPHICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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