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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing G, I, 3N and Y

ANONYMISINGanonymising v. Present participle of anonymise.
ANONYMISE v. to make anonymous, also ANONYMIZE.
ANONYMIZINGanonymizing v. Present participle of anonymize.
ANONYMIZE v. to make anonymous, also ANONYMISE.
BENIGNANTLYbenignantly adv. In a benignant manner.
BENIGNANT adv. kind; gracious, as a king to his subjects.
CONNIVINGLYconnivingly adv. In a conniving manner.
CONTINGENCYcontingency n. (Uncountable) The quality of being contingent, of happening by chance.
contingency n. (Countable) A possibility; something which may or may not happen. A chance occurrence, especially in…
contingency n. (Finance, countable) An amount of money which a party to a contract has to pay to the other party (usually…
INDIGNANTLYindignantly adv. In an indignant manner.
INDIGNANT adv. feeling or showing justifiable anger.
PENTAGYNIANPENTAGYNIAN adj. relating to the Pentagynia, an order of plants with five pistils, also PENTAGYNOUS.
SYNTONISINGsyntonising v. Present participle of syntonise.
SYNTONISE v. to adjust to agree in frequency, also SYNTONIZE.
SYNTONIZINGsyntonizing v. Present participle of syntonize.
SYNTONIZE v. to adjust to agree in frequency, also SYNTONISE.
TYRANNISINGtyrannising v. Present participle of tyrannise.
TYRANNISE v. to act like a tyrant towards, also TYRANNIZE.
TYRANNIZINGtyrannizing v. Present participle of tyrannize.
TYRANNIZE v. to act like a tyrant towards, also TYRANNISE.
UNBENDINGLYunbendingly adv. Without bending; with rigid adherence to a principle etc.
UNBENDING adv. stern, uncompromising.
UNDYINGNESSundyingness n. The property of being undying; immortality.
UNDYINGNESS n. the state being undying.
UNKNOWINGLYunknowingly adv. Without awareness, without intent.
UNKNOWING adv. ignorant, unaware.
UNMEANINGLYunmeaningly adv. In an unmeaning way; without meaning.
UNMEANING adv. having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words.
UNNERVINGLYunnervingly adv. To an unnerving degree.
UNNERVING adv. UNNERVE, to deprive of courage.
UNWINKINGLYunwinkingly adv. Without winking; with one’s full attention.
UNWINKING adv. not winking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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