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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing G, L, 3O and U

AUTOLOGOUSautologous adj. Derived from part of the same individual (i.e. from the recipient rather than a different donor).
AUTOLOGOUS adj. involving a situation in which the donor and the recipient (of blood, skin, bone, etc.) are the same person.
GOLOPTIOUSgoloptious adj. (Colloquial, dialect, dated) fine; splendid.
goloptious adj. (Colloquial, dialect, dated) delicious; luscious.
GOLOPTIOUS adj. (slang) delicious, voluptuous, also GOLUPTIOUS.
HOMOLOGOUShomologous adj. Showing a degree of correspondence or similarity.
HOMOLOGOUS adj. having the same relative structure, also HOMOLOGICAL.
HOMOLOGUEShomologues n. Plural of homologue.
HOMOLOGUE n. a thing exactly or relatively corresponding in structure.
HOROLOGIUMHorologium prop.n. (Astronomy) A constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble a pendulum clock. It lies between…
HOROLOGIUM n. (obsolete) an instrument for telling the time, also HOROLOGE, HOROLOGION.
MONOLOGUEDmonologued v. Simple past tense and past participle of monologue.
MONOLOGUE v. to perform a monologue.
MONOLOGUESmonologues n. Plural of monologue.
monologues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monologue.
MONOLOGUE n. a dramatic piece for a single performer, also MONOLOG.
OOGAMOUSLYoogamously adv. In an oogamous manner.
OOGAMOUS adv. having structurally dissimilar gametes.
OUROLOGIESOUROLOGY n. the study of urine or the urinary tract, also URINOLOGY, UROLOGY.
OUTFOOLINGoutfooling v. Present participle of outfool.
OUTFOOL v. to surpass in fooling.
OUTLOOKINGoutlooking v. Present participle of outlook.
OUTLOOK v. to look out.
YOUNGBLOODyoungblood n. Someone who constitutes or brings fresh blood, especially a youngster who joins an older team etc.
Youngblood prop.n. A surname.
young␣blood n. Young people; youth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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