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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing G, L, M, O, T and U

GLIOMATOUSgliomatous adj. Affected with, or of the nature of, glioma.
GLIOMATOUS adj. relating to a glioma, a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain.
GLUCOMETERglucometer n. (Medicine) A glucose meter, a device for measuring the concentration of glucose in the blood.
GOALMOUTHSgoalmouths n. Plural of goalmouth.
GOALMOUTH n. the space between the goalposts and immediately in front of the goal.
GUILLEMOTSguillemots n. Plural of guillemot.
GUILLEMOT n. (French) a northern black-and-white sea bird.
LARGEMOUTHlargemouth adj. Applied to various kinds of fish characterized by a large mouth.
largemouth n. A creature of this kind.
LARGEMOUTH n. a kind of fish, a large black bass.
MODULATINGmodulating v. Present participle of modulate.
MODULATE v. to adjust to a certain proportion.
MULTIGROUPmultigroup adj. Of or pertaining to more than one group.
MULTIGROUP adj. comprising many groups.
OUTGAMBLEDoutgambled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgamble.
OUTGAMBLE v. to surpass at gambling.
OUTGAMBLESoutgambles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgamble.
OUTGAMBLE v. to surpass at gambling.
OUTGLEAMEDoutgleamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgleam.
OUTGLEAM v. to surpass in gleaming.
OUTSMILINGoutsmiling v. Present participle of outsmile.
OUTSMILE v. to surpass in smiling.
PROMULGATEpromulgate v. (Transitive) To make known or public.
promulgate v. (Transitive) To put into effect as a regulation.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.
TURMOILINGturmoiling v. Present participle of turmoil.
TURMOIL v. to cause a commotion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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