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There are 15 ten-letter words containing G, L, M, O, P and R

LAGOMORPHSlagomorphs n. Plural of lagomorph.
LAGOMORPH n. a gnawing mammal (rabbits, hares, pikas).
LONGPRIMERlongprimer n. Alternative form of Long Primer.
Long␣Primer prop.n. (Printing, dated) The size of type between bourgeois and small pica, standardized as 10-point.
LONGPRIMER n. in printing, a size of type intermediate between small pica and bourgeois.
LYMPHOGRAMlymphogram n. A diagnostic image produced by lymphography.
LYMPHOGRAM n. a record made by lymphography, radiography of the lymph glands.
MORPHOLOGYmorphology n. (Uncountable) A scientific study of form and structure, usually without regard to function. Especially…
morphology n. (Countable) The form and structure of something.
morphology n. (Countable) A description of the form and structure of something.
MULTIGROUPmultigroup adj. Of or pertaining to more than one group.
MULTIGROUP adj. comprising many groups.
PARALOGISMparalogism n. A fallacious argument or illogical conclusion, especially one committed by mistake, or believed by the…
PARALOGISM n. false reasoning, also PARALOGY.
PELTMONGERpeltmonger n. A dealer in pelts (animal skins).
PELTMONGER n. a dealer in skins.
PHLEBOGRAMphlebogram n. A venogram.
PHLEBOGRAM n. a tracing (with the sphygmograph) of the movements of a vein, or of the venous pulse.
PLANOGRAMSplanograms n. Plural of planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
POLAROGRAMpolarogram n. A plot of current against potential produced by polarography.
POLAROGRAM n. a picture taken by polarography.
PREMOLDINGpremolding v. Present participle of premold.
PREMOLD v. to mold beforehand, also PREMOULD.
PROMULGATEpromulgate v. (Transitive) To make known or public.
promulgate v. (Transitive) To put into effect as a regulation.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.
PROMULGINGpromulging v. Present participle of promulge.
PROMULGE v. (archaic) to proclaim or announce publicly, also PROMULGATE.
PROPAGULUMpropagulum n. (Botany) A runner terminated by a germinating bud.
propagulum n. A gemma or bud affecting asexual propagation in many algae.
PROPAGULUM n. a body with the capacity to give rise to a new plant e.g. seed, spore, bulbil, fragment etc., also PROPAGULE.
PYELOGRAMSpyelograms n. Plural of pyelogram.
PYELOGRAM n. an X-ray picture of the renal pelvis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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