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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing G, 2L, 2O and P

GOOGOLPLEXgoogolplex num. The number 1010100 or 10𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚘𝚕, ten to the power of a googol.
googolplex num. (Figuratively) A countable number.
googolplex num. (US, real estate, nonstandard, rare) An infinitesimally small portion of land, defined for legal purposes.
HAPLOLOGIChaplologic adj. Of or relating to haplology.
HAPLOLOGIC adj. showing haplology, the contraction of a word by the omission of one or more similar sounds or syllables.
LODGEPOLESlodgepoles n. Plural of lodgepole.
lodge␣poles n. Plural of lodge pole.
LODGEPOLE n. a pole used in the construction of a Native American lodge.
LOGOPHILESlogophiles n. Plural of logophile.
LOGOPHILE n. a person who loves words.
LOOPHOLINGloopholing v. Present participle of loophole.
LOOPHOLE v. to make small openings in.
OUTGALLOPSoutgallops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgallop.
OUTGALLOP v. to surpass at galloping.
OUTPOLLINGoutpolling v. Present participle of outpoll.
OUTPOLL v. to get more votes than.
PALAEOLOGYpalaeology n. Alternative form of paleology.
palæology n. Obsolete form of paleology.
PALAEOLOGY n. the study of prehistory, also PALEOLOGY.
PALYNOLOGYpalynology n. (Sciences) The scientific study of spores, pollen and particulate organic matter in various matrices…
PALYNOLOGY n. the scientific study of spores and pollen.
PELOLOGIESPELOLOGY n. study of mud and its curative effects.
PHILOLOGERphilologer n. (Archaic) A philologist.
PHILOLOGER n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST, PHILOLOGUE.
PHILOLOGICphilologic adj. Philological.
PHILOLOGIC adj. of or pertaining to philology, also PHILOLOGICAL.
PHILOLOGUEphilologue n. A philologist.
PHILOLOGUE n. a person who studies or has knowledge of philology, also PHILOLOGER, PHILOLOGIAN, PHILOLOGIST.
PHLEBOLOGYphlebology n. (Medicine) The study of veins and their diseases etc.
PHLEBOLOGY n. a branch of anatomy which treats of the veins.
POLYGLOTTSpolyglotts n. Plural of polyglott.
POLYGLOTT n. one who speaks many languages, also POLYGLOT.
PYROGALLOLpyrogallol n. (Organic chemistry) A poisonous trihydroxy phenol, 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene, C6H3(OH)3, used is a photographic…
PYROGALLOL n. pyrogallic acid.
SCOLLOPINGscolloping v. Present participle of scollop.
SCOLLOP v. to indent like a shell, also SCALLOP, ESCALLOP, ESCALOP.
SPELEOLOGYspeleology n. The scientific study of caves.
speleology n. The recreational activity of exploring caves.
SPELEOLOGY n. the study and exploration of caves, also SPELAEOLOGY.
TROLLOPINGtrolloping v. Present participle of trollop.
TROLLOP v. to act or dress like a trollop.
TYPHLOLOGYtyphlology n. (Medicine) The scientific study of blindness.
TYPHLOLOGY n. the study of blindness and the blind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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