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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing G, 2L, M, O and R

FELLMONGERfellmonger n. (Britain) Someone who sells or works with animal hides and skins.
fellmonger v. To prepare animal skin for tanning.
FELLMONGER n. a dealer in fells or sheepskins, who separates the wool from the pelts.
GLAMORLESSglamorless adj. Alternative spelling of glamourless.
GLOMERULARglomerular adj. Of, pertaining to or affecting a glomerulus.
GLOMERULAR adj. like a glomerulus, the bunch of looped capillary blood vessels in the kidney.
GLOMERULESglomerules n. Plural of glomerule.
GLOMERULE n. a cluster of short-stalked flowers.
GLOMERULUSglomerulus n. (Anatomy) A small intertwined group of capillaries within nephrons of the kidney that filter the blood to make urine.
glomerulus n. (Anatomy) A structure in the olfactory bulb central to olfactory sensory transduction, composed of receptor…
glomerulus n. Any of several other similar intertwined masses of things.
GORMLESSLYgormlessly adv. In a gormless manner.
GRILLROOMSgrillrooms n. Plural of grillroom.
grill␣rooms n. Plural of grill room.
GRILLROOM n. a room where grills are prepared.
MORGELLONSMorgellons n. (Pathology) An unproven skin disorder, usually thought to be delusional parasitosis, characterized by…
Morgellons n. (Obsolete) A disease causing hairs to grow on the backs of children.
MORGELLONS n. a condition in which the sufferer experiences crawling, biting, and stinging sensations on the skin.
MORSELLINGMORSELLING n. the act of dividing into morsels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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