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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing G, K, N, O, S and T

DESTOCKINGdestocking n. The process of reducing inventory or of stocking less.
destocking v. Present participle of destock; to reduce stock or inventory.
DESTOCK v. to reduce the stock level.
KEYSTONINGkeystoning v. Present participle of keystone.
KEYSTONE v. to produce a distortion of a television picture in which a rectangular pattern is transformed into a trapezoidal pattern.
KNOWINGESTknowingest adj. Superlative form of knowing: most knowing.
KNOWING adj. astute, crafty.
KREASOTINGkreasoting v. Present participle of kreasote.
KREASOTE v. to treat with a wood preservative, also CREOSOTE, KREOSOTE.
KREOSOTINGkreosoting v. Present participle of kreosote.
KREOSOTE v. to coat with kreosote, also CREASOTE, CREOSOTE, KREASOTE.
OUTKISSINGoutkissing v. Present participle of outkiss.
OUTKISS v. to surpass in kissing.
OUTSKATINGoutskating v. Present participle of outskate.
OUTSKATE v. to surpass in skating.
OUTSMOKINGoutsmoking v. Present participle of outsmoke.
OUTSMOKE v. to surpass in smoking.
OUTSULKINGoutsulking v. Present participle of outsulk.
OUTSULK v. to surpass in sulking.
OUTTASKINGouttasking v. Present participle of outtask.
OUTTASK v. to surpass in tasking.
RESTOCKINGrestocking v. Present participle of restock.
restocking n. An act of replenishing stock.
RESTOCK v. to stock again.
SHOTMAKINGshotmaking n. (Sports) The skill of making accurate shots.
SHOTMAKING n. the making of winning or skilful shots.
STOCKADINGstockading v. Present participle of stockade.
STOCKADE v. to build a type of protective fence.
STOCKINGEDstockinged adj. Wearing stockings.
stockinged adj. Wearing socks but no shoes.
stockinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of stocking.
STOCKINGERstockinger n. One who weaves stockings.
Stockinger prop.n. A surname.
STOCKINGER n. a stocking weaver.
STONKERINGstonkering v. Present participle of stonker.
STONKER v. (Australian slang) to hit hard, to knock unconscious.
TOPMAKINGSTOPMAKING n. the making of toy tops.
UNSTOCKINGunstocking v. Present participle of unstock.
UNSTOCK v. to deplete of stock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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