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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing G, I, N, 2O and Z

COLONIZINGcolonizing v. Present participle of colonize.
COLONIZE v. to establish a colony, also COLONISE.
COLORIZINGcolorizing v. Present participle of colorize.
COLORIZE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORISE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
DOWNZONINGdownzoning v. Present participle of downzone.
DOWNZONE v. to reduce or limit the number of buildings permitted.
GORGONIZEDgorgonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of gorgonize.
GORGONIZE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONISE.
GORGONIZESgorgonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gorgonize.
GORGONIZE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONISE.
HOMOGENIZEhomogenize v. To make homogeneous, to blend or puree.
homogenize v. Specifically, to treat milk so that the cream no longer separates.
HOMOGENIZE v. to make homogeneous, also HOMOGENISE.
MONOLOGIZEmonologize v. (Intransitive) To deliver a monologue.
monologize v. (Transitive, rare) To deliver in the form of a monologue.
MOTORIZINGmotorizing v. Present participle of motorize.
MOTORIZE v. to provide with motors, also MOTORISE.
NEOLOGIZEDneologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of neologize.
NEOLOGIZE v. to introduce or use new words or terms or new uses of old words, also NEOLOGISE.
NEOLOGIZESneologizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of neologize.
NEOLOGIZE v. to introduce or use new words or terms or new uses of old words, also NEOLOGISE.
OPSONIZINGopsonizing v. Present participle of opsonize.
opsonizing adj. That opsonizes.
OPSONIZE v. to make (bacteria) more susceptible to consumption by phagocytes, also OPSONISE, OPSONIFY.
POLONIZINGPolonizing v. Present participle of Polonize.
POLONIZE v. to make Polish, also POLONISE.
RECOGNIZORrecognizor n. (Law) One who enters into a recognizance.
ROBOTIZINGrobotizing v. Present participle of robotize.
ROBOTIZE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTISE.
SCHIZOGONYschizogony n. (Biology) Asexual reproduction of protozoans etc characterized by multiple divisions of the nucleus and cell.
SCHIZOGONY n. reproduction by division.
SCHMOOZINGschmoozing v. Present participle of schmooze.
schmoozing v. Present participle of schmooz.
SCHMOOZE v. (Yiddish) to chat in a friendly way, also SCHMOOS, SCHMOOSE, SCHMOOZ, SHMOOSE, SHMOOZE.
SODOMIZINGsodomizing v. Present participle of sodomize.
SODOMIZE v. to engage in sodomy with, also SODOMISE.
SORORIZINGsororizing v. Present participle of sororize.
SORORIZE v. to associate in a sisterly way, also SORORISE.
ZOOGONIDIAzoogonidia n. Plural of zoogonidium.
ZOOGONIDIUM n. a swarm-spore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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