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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing G, H, I, M and 2N

CHAMPIGNONchampignon n. Agaricus bisporus, a species of mushroom commonly used in cooking.
champignon n. (Obsolete) Any mushroom.
CHAMPIGNON n. (French) an edible species of mushroom.
CHIMNEYINGchimneying v. Present participle of chimney.
CHIMNEY v. to proceed up a rock fissure in a certain fashion.
ENCHARMINGencharming v. Present participle of encharm.
ENCHARM v. (obsolete) to cast a spell on, to charm.
ENRHEUMINGenrheuming v. Present participle of enrheum.
ENRHEUM v. (obsolete) to contract a rheum, a cold.
FLEHMENINGflehmening v. Present participle of flehmen.
FLEHMEN v. of a mammal, to grimace with lips drawn back.
GUNMANSHIPgunmanship n. The art or skill of using a gun.
GUNMANSHIP n. the state of being a gunman.
HOMINISINGHOMINISE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINIZE.
HOMINIZINGhominizing v. Present participle of hominize.
HOMINIZE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINISE.
HUMANISINGhumanising v. Present participle of humanise.
HUMANISE v. to make human, also HUMANIZE.
HUMANIZINGhumanizing v. Present participle of humanize.
HUMANIZE v. to make human, also HUMANISE.
INHUMATINGinhumating v. Present participle of inhumate.
INHUMATE v. to bury, also INHUME.
MACHINEGUNmachinegun n. Alternative spelling of machine gun.
machinegun v. Alternative spelling of machine-gun.
machine-gun v. To fire a machine gun.
MACHININGSmachinings n. Plural of machining.
MACHINING n. process by machine.
MONTHLINGSmonthlings n. Plural of monthling.
MONTHLING n. (archaic) a month-old child.
NOTHINGISMnothingism n. Nihility; nothingness.
NOTHINGISM n. nihility; nothingness.
TITHINGMANtithingman n. (Law, historical) The chief of a tithing.
tithingman n. (Obsolete) A ruler or leader of ten men; a decurion.
tithingman n. (UK, law) A peace officer; an underconstable.
TITHINGMENtithingmen n. Plural of tithingman.
tithing-men n. Plural of tithing-man.
TITHINGMAN n. the chief man of a tithing; one elected to preside over the tithing.
UNCHARMINGuncharming adj. Not charming.
uncharming v. Present participle of uncharm.
UNCHARM v. to free from a spell.
UNMATCHINGunmatching v. Present participle of unmatch.
unmatching adj. Not matching; unmatched.
UNMATCHING adj. not matching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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