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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2G, O, R, S and T

AGROLOGISTagrologist n. One who studies or carries out agrology.
AGROLOGIST n. a student of agrology, the study of agricultural soils.
ERGOTISINGergotising v. Present participle of ergotise.
ERGOTISE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTIZE.
GAROTTINGSgarottings n. Plural of garotting.
GAROTTING n. the act of strangling.
GASTROLOGYgastrology n. The scientific study of the stomach.
GASTROLOGY n. good eating; cookery.
GEORGETTESgeorgettes n. Plural of georgette.
GEORGETTE n. (French) a kind of thin silk.
GOITROGENSgoitrogens n. Plural of goitrogen.
GOITROGEN n. a substance (such as thiourea or thiouracil) that induces goiter formation.
HOTDOGGERShotdoggers n. Plural of hotdogger.
HOTDOGGER n. one who hotdogs, shows off.
MORTGAGEESmortgagees n. Plural of mortgagee.
MORTGAGEE n. one who has a mortgage.
MORTGAGERSmortgagers n. Plural of mortgager.
MORTGAGER n. one who gives a mortgage, also MORTGAGOR.
MORTGAGORSmortgagors n. Plural of mortgagor.
MORTGAGOR n. one who gives a mortgage, also MORTGAGER.
OUTRIGGERSoutriggers n. Plural of outrigger.
out-riggers n. Plural of out-rigger.
OUTRIGGER n. a spar extended from the side of a ship to help secure the mast.
REGGAETONSREGGAETON n. a form of music blending West Indian music influences of reggae and dancehall with those of Latin America.
SCROGGIESTSCROGGY adj. abounding in scrogs, stunted bushes or undergrowth, also SCROGGIE.
SEGREGATORsegregator n. One who segregates.
segregator n. A device for collecting separate samples of urine from the two kidneys.
SEGREGATOR n. one who segregates.
TARBOGGINStarboggins n. Plural of tarboggin.
tarboggins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tarboggin.
TARBOGGIN v. to sledge on a tarboggin, also TABOGGAN, TOBOGGAN, TOBOGGIN.
THRONGINGSthrongings n. Plural of thronging.
THRONGING n. the act of thronging.
TOERAGGERSTOERAGGER n. a tramp; a despicable person, also TOERAG.
TROUGHINGSTROUGHING n. the act of consuming greedily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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