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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2G, I, M, O and S

ANGIOGRAMSangiograms n. Plural of angiogram.
ANGIOGRAM n. a photograph made by angiography.
DEMAGOGIESdemagogies n. Plural of demagogy.
DEMAGOGY n. the rule of a demagog.
DEMAGOGISMdemagogism n. The practices and principles of a demagogue; a pandering to the multitude for selfish ends.
DEMAGOGISM n. the practices of a demagogue, also DEMAGOGUISM, DEMAGOGY.
FILMGOINGSFILMGOING n. the practice of going to films.
GAMMONINGSgammonings n. Plural of gammoning.
GAMMONING n. the act of hoaxing.
GARGOYLISMgargoylism n. The dysmorphic facial features found in Hurler’s syndrome and Hunter syndrome, characterized by thickened…
GARGOYLISM n. a rare condition characterised by grotesque physical deformity and severe mental disablement.
GEMOLOGIESGEMOLOGY n. the study of gems, also GEMMOLOGY.
GEMOLOGISTgemologist n. An expert in gemology.
GEMOLOGIST n. one who studies gems, also GEMMOLOGIST.
GEOPHAGISMgeophagism n. The act or habit of eating earth.
GEOPHAGISM n. the act or habit of eating earth.
GIGGLESOMEgigglesome adj. Characterised or marked by giggling.
GIGGLESOME adj. inclined to giggle, giggly.
GUMSHOEINGgumshoeing v. Present participle of gumshoe.
GUMSHOE v. to investigate stealthily.
JIGGUMBOBSjiggumbobs n. Plural of jiggumbob.
JIGGUMBOB n. a thingamabob; a gewgaw.
MAGGOTIESTmaggotiest adj. (Rare) superlative form of maggoty: most maggoty.
MAGGOTY adj. full of maggots.
MISGROWINGmisgrowing v. Present participle of misgrow.
MISGROW v. to grow abnormally.
MISLODGINGmislodging v. Present participle of mislodge.
MISLODGE v. to lodge in a wrong place.
MONGERINGSmongerings n. Plural of mongering.
MONGERING n. trading in a particular line of goods, also MONGERY.
MYSTAGOGICmystagogic adj. Of or relating to mystagogy.
MYSTAGOGIC adj. relating to religious ritual initiation, also MYSTAGOGICAL.
PEDAGOGISMpedagogism n. The character, manner, occupation, or system of pedagogues.
PEDAGOGISM n. the spirit or system of pedagogues.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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