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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2G, 2I, T and U

AGGLUTININagglutinin n. A substance that causes particles or cells to clump#Verb; it may be an antibody, a lectin, or otherwise.
agglutinin n. (Specifically) A protein found in cow’s milk.
AGGLUTININ n. a substance in blood causing coagulation.
DISGUSTINGdisgusting adj. Causing disgust; repulsive; distasteful.
disgusting v. Present participle of disgust.
DISGUST v. to cause loathing.
FUMIGATINGfumigating v. Present participle of fumigate.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
INTRIGUINGintriguing adj. Causing a desire to know more; mysterious.
intriguing adj. Involving oneself in secret plots or schemes.
intriguing adj. (Archaic) Having clandestine or illicit intercourse.
LIGATURINGligaturing v. Present participle of ligature.
LIGATURE v. to tie with a ligature.
OUTGAININGoutgaining v. Present participle of outgain.
OUTGAIN v. to gain more than.
OUTGIVINGSoutgivings n. Plural of outgiving.
OUTGIVING n. the act of outgiving.
OUTGUIDINGOUTGUIDE v. to surpass in guiding.
OUTRIGGINGoutrigging v. Present participle of outrig.
OUTRIGGING n. the act of rigging out.
OUTRINGINGoutringing v. Present participle of outring.
OUTRING v. to ring louder than.
OUTSINGINGoutsinging v. Present participle of outsing.
OUTSING v. to surpass in singing.
OUTWINGINGoutwinging v. Present participle of outwing.
OUTWING v. to fly beyond.
UNDIGHTINGundighting v. Present participle of undight.
UNDIGHT v. (Spenser) to undo, take off.
UNGIRTHINGungirthing v. Present participle of ungirth.
UNGIRTH v. to free from a girth.
UNRIGHTINGunrighting v. Present participle of unright.
UNRIGHT v. to wrong or to make wrong.
UNSIGHTINGunsighting v. Present participle of unsight.
UNSIGHT v. to prevent from seeing.
UPLIGHTINGuplighting n. Lighting concentrated in an upward direction.
uplighting v. Present participle of uplight.
UPLIGHTING n. lighting to a higher degree.
UPRIGHTINGuprighting v. Present participle of upright.
UPRIGHT v. to raise or restore to an upright position.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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