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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing G, P and 3S

GAPOSISESGAPOSIS n. a gap between buttoned buttons or closed snaps on a garment.
GASPINESSgaspiness n. The quality of being gaspy.
GASPINESS n. the state of being gaspy.
GIPSYISMSgipsyisms n. Plural of gipsyism.
GIPSYISM n. the arts and practices or habits of gypsies; deception, also GYPSYISM.
GOSSIPERSgossipers n. Plural of gossiper.
GOSSIPER n. one that gossips, also GOSSIPPER.
GOSSYPOLSgossypols n. Plural of gossypol.
GOSSYPOL n. a toxic pigment.
GRASPLESSgraspless adj. Without a grasp; relaxed.
graspless adj. Unable to be grasped or handled; insubstantial.
GRASPLESS adj. without a grasp; relaxed.
GYPSYISMSgypsyisms n. Plural of gypsyism.
GYPSYISM n. the arts and practices or habits of gypsies; deception, also GIPSYISM.
PEGASUSESpegasuses n. Plural of pegasus.
PEGASUS n. (Latin) a member of a genus of small fishes superficially like seahorses.
PLUSSAGESPLUSSAGE n. an extra amount, also PLUSAGE.
PRESSINGSpressings n. Plural of pressing.
PRESSING n. an article made from the same mould.
SIGNPOSTSsignposts n. Plural of signpost.
sign-posts n. Plural of sign-post.
SIGNPOST v. to provide with posts bearing signs.
SPONSINGSsponsings n. Plural of sponsing.
SPONSING n. a platform jutting from ship's deck for gun or wheel, also SPONSON.
SPOUSAGESspousages n. Plural of spousage.
SPOUSAGE n. espousal.
SWAGSHOPSSWAGSHOP n. a place where cheap and trashy goods are sold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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