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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing G, N, S, U and V

DIVULSINGdivulsing v. Present participle of divulse.
DIVULSE v. to tear away.
INGLUVIESingluvies n. (Anatomy) The crop, or craw, of birds.
INGLUVIES n. (Latin) the crop or craw of birds.
LONGEVOUSlongevous adj. (Rare) Long-lasting, especially of life.
LONGEVOUS adj. long-lived, also LONGAEVOUS.
OVERSWUNGoverswung v. Simple past tense and past participle of overswing.
OVERSWING v. to swing excessively, as in golf.
OVERUSINGoverusing v. Present participle of overuse.
OVERUSE v. to use too much.
SAVOURINGsavouring v. Present participle of savour.
savouring n. Alternative form of savoring.
SAVOUR v. to taste or smell with pleasure, also SAVOR.
SUBVENINGsubvening v. Present participle of subvene.
SUBVENE v. to arrive or occur as a support or relief.
SURVEYINGsurveying n. The science of accurately determining the position of points and the distances between them.
surveying v. Present participle of survey.
SURVEYING n. the act of surveying.
SURVIVINGsurviving v. Present participle of survive.
SURVIVE v. to remain in existence.
VAGINULESvaginules n. Plural of vaginule.
VAGINULE n. a little sheath, also VAGINULA.
VAGUENESSvagueness n. (Uncountable) The condition of being unclear; vague.
vagueness n. (Countable) Something which is vague, or an instance or example of vagueness.
VAGUENESS n. the state of being vague.
VANGUARDSvanguards n. Plural of vanguard.
VANGUARD n. the forefront of a movement, also VANT.
VARGUENOSvarguenos n. Plural of vargueno.
VARGUENO n. (Spanish) a cabinet or desk of a kind made at Vargas near Toledo.
VAULTINGSvaultings n. Plural of vaulting.
VAULTING n. the act of vaulting.
VAUNTAGESvauntages n. Plural of vauntage.
VAUNTAGE n. (Spenser) vantage.
VAUNTINGSvauntings n. Plural of vaunting.
VAUNTING n. the act of vaunting.
VESTURINGvesturing v. Present participle of vesture.
VESTURE v. (archaic) to clothe.
VOGUEINGSVOGUEING n. performing to pop music, also VOGUING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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