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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing G, 2N, T and V

AVAUNTINGavaunting v. Present participle of avaunt.
AVAUNT v. (archaic) to advance.
AVENTRINGaventring v. Present participle of aventre.
AVENTRE v. (Spenser) to thrust, direct.
EVENTINGSeventings n. Plural of eventing.
EVENTING n. the act of taking part in riding events.
INVENTINGinventing v. Present participle of invent.
INVENT v. to devise originally.
INVERTINGinverting v. Present participle of invert.
inverting adj. That inverts.
inverting n. The act of something being inverted; an inversion.
INVESTINGinvesting v. Present participle of invest.
investing n. The act of something being invested; an investment.
INVEST v. to lay out for profit.
INVITINGSinvitings n. Plural of inviting.
INVITING n. the act of inviting.
LEVANTINGlevanting v. Present participle of levant.
LEVANT v. to run away from a debt.
NONVOTINGnonvoting adj. Lacking the right to vote.
NONVOTING adj. not voting.
VANTAGINGvantaging v. Present participle of vantage.
VANTAGE v. (Spenser) to benefit.
VAUNTINGSvauntings n. Plural of vaunting.
VAUNTING n. the act of vaunting.
VENGEMENTvengement n. (Obsolete) Retribution; vengeance.
VENGEMENT n. (Spenser) revenge, also REVENGEMENT.
VENTRINGSVENTRING n. (Milton) an enterprise.
VENTURINGventuring v. Present participle of venture.
venturing n. The act of one who ventures.
VENTURING adj. adventuresome.
VINTAGINGvintaging v. Present participle of vintage.
vintaging n. The act of vintaging.
VINTAGING n. gathering grapes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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