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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing G, M, R and 2U

DEMIURGUSdemiurgus n. (Chiefly dated) Alternative form of demiurge.
DEMIURGUS n. (Greek) an inferior god who created the world; a creative power or spirit, also DEMIURGE.
GUMSUCKERGUMSUCKER n. (Australian slang) a native-born Australian.
HUMBUGGERhumbugger n. (Dated) One who humbugs; a cheat or swindler.
HUMBUGGER n. one who humbugs, deceives.
HUMOURINGhumouring v. Present participle of humour.
HUMOUR v. to indulge, also HUMOR.
LIGUSTRUMligustrum n. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Ligustrum, widely used for hedges; privet.
Ligustrum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oleaceae – the privets.
LIGUSTRUM n. a plant of a genus that comprises the privets.
MUDGUARDSmudguards n. Plural of mudguard.
MUDGUARD n. a fender.
MULTIDRUGmultidrug adj. Of or pertaining to multiple drugs.
MULTIDRUG adj. involving many different drugs.
MULTURINGmulturing v. Present participle of multure.
MULTURE v. to take a fee for grinding grain, also MOUTER.
MURMURINGmurmuring v. Present participle of murmur.
murmuring n. A sound that murmurs.
murmuring n. A complaint against something.
NGULTRUMSngultrums n. Plural of ngultrum.
NGULTRUM n. a monetary unit of Bhutan.
RUMOURINGrumouring v. Present participle of rumour.
RUMOUR v. to spread by hearsay, also RUMOR.
SUGARPLUMsugarplum n. Alternative spelling of sugar-plum.
sugar-plum n. A round or oval sweet/piece of candy made of boiled sugar.
sugar-plum n. (Dated) A piece of flattery.
UNGUIFORMunguiform adj. Claw-shaped.
UNGUIFORM adj. shaped like a claw.
UROPYGIUMuropygium n. The posterior part of a bird’s body from which the tailfeathers grow.
UROPYGIUM n. the rump of a bird which supports the tail feathers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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