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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing G, L, 2R and T

GARRULITYgarrulity n. The state or characteristic of being garrulous.
GARRULITY n. talkativeness.
GASTRULARgastrular adj. Of or pertaining to a gastrula.
GASTRULAR adj. of or like a gastrula, an embryo at the stage in which it forms a two-layered cup by the invagination of its wall.
GRISTLIERgristlier adj. Comparative form of gristly: more gristly.
GRISTLY adj. containing gristle.
REGRETFULregretful adj. Full of feelings of regret, indulging in regrets.
regretful adj. Sorrowful about what has been lost or done.
REGRETFUL adj. full of regret.
REGULATORregulator n. A device that controls or limits something.
regulator n. A person or group that sets standards of practice, especially those established by law.
regulator n. A very accurate clock, used by clockmakers to measure the timekeeping of each newly made clock.
STRAGGLERstraggler n. A person who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which they belong.
straggler n. One who falls behind the rest, for example in a race.
straggler n. One who roams without any settled direction.
STRANGLERstrangler n. Someone who strangles, especially who murders by strangling.
strangler n. An epiphyte whose aerial roots eventually strangle the tree on which it grows.
STRANGLER n. one who stranglers.
STRUGGLERstruggler n. One who struggles.
STRUGGLER n. one who struggles.
TIGERLIERTIGERLY adj. having the manner of a tiger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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