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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing G, L, O and 2P

GALOPPINGGALOP v. (French) to dance a galop (a lively round dance).
GLOPPIESTgloppiest adj. Superlative form of gloppy: most gloppy.
GLOPPY adj. being or resembling glop.
HIPPOLOGYhippology n. The study of horses.
HIPPOLOGY n. the study of horses.
LOPPERINGloppering v. Present participle of lopper.
LOPPER v. (Scots) to curdle, also LAPPER.
PLAYGROUPplaygroup n. A group of children who meet together for supervised play.
playgroup n. A group of gamers who meet together, especially for role-playing games.
playgroup n. (UK) An informal organised group providing care and activities for preschool children.
POLYGRAPHpolygraph n. A device which measures and records several physiological variables such as blood pressure, heart rate…
polygraph n. (Dated) A mechanical instrument for multiplying copies of a writing, resembling multiple pantographs.
polygraph n. (Archaic) A collection of different works, either by one or several authors.
POLYPHAGYpolyphagy n. (Biology) The ability of an animal to eat a variety of food (e.g. several different families of plants).
POLYPHAGY n. the practice or faculty of subsisting on many kinds of food.
POPELINGSpopelings n. Plural of popeling.
POPELING n. a petty or deputy pope.
PROPAGULApropagula n. Plural of propagulum.
PROPAGULUM n. a body with the capacity to give rise to a new plant e.g. seed, spore, bulbil, fragment etc., also PROPAGULE.
PROPAGULEpropagule n. (Biology) A reproductive particle released by an organism in order to propagate itself, by means such…
PROPAGULE n. a body with the capacity to give rise to a new plant e.g. seed, spore, bulbil, fragment etc., also PROPAGULUM.
PROPALINGpropaling v. Present participle of propale.
PROPALE v. (Scots) to disclose.
STOPPLINGstoppling v. Present participle of stopple.
STOPPLE v. to stop up, plug.
TOPPINGLYtoppingly adv. (UK, informal, dated) In a topping manner; splendidly, wonderfully.
toppingly adv. (Dated) In a proud or superior manner.
TOPPING adv. excellent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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