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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing G, I, S, T and Z

AZOTISINGazotising v. Present participle of azotise.
AZOTISE v. to combine with nitrogen, also AZOTIZE.
DIGITIZESdigitizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of digitize.
DIGITIZE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITISE.
ERGOTIZESergotizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ergotize.
ERGOTIZE v. to affect with ergot, also ERGOTISE.
GLITZIESTglitziest adj. Superlative form of glitzy: most glitzy.
GLITZY adj. showy, garish.
RIGHTSIZErightsize v. (Business, euphemistic) To downsize.
right-size v. Alternative form of rightsize.
RIGHTSIZE v. to adapt an organisation to an appropriate size by means of redundancies.
SHVITZINGshvitzing v. Present participle of shvitz.
SHVITZ v. (Yiddish) to sweat, also SCHVITZ.
SITZKRIEGsitzkrieg n. Warfare without any military operations or campaigns, a stalemate.
sitzkrieg n. The Phoney War (French: Drôle de guerre; German: Sitzkrieg) was an eight-month period at the start of…
SITZKRIEG n. (German) (virtual) stalemate in warfare.
SPRITZIGSSPRITZIG n. (German) a usually sparkling white wine.
SPRITZINGspritzing n. The amount applied by a spritz; a small amount of liquid, lightly applied; a sprinkling.
spritzing v. Present participle of spritz.
SPRITZ v. (German) to spray (liquid).
STOOZINGSSTOOZING n. the practice of taking advantage of an introductory interest-free period offered by a credit-card company to borrow money for investment elsewhere, esp. in a high-interest account.
STYLIZINGstylizing v. Present participle of stylize.
STYLIZE v. to make conventional, also STYLISE.
SYZYGETICsyzygetic adj. (Mathematics) Relating to, or exhibiting, syzygy.
SYZYGETIC adj. relating to a syzygy, also SYZYGAL, SYZYGIAL.
TZIGANIEStziganies n. Plural of tzigany.
TZIGANY n. (Hungarian) a gypsy, also TSIGANE, TZIGANE, ZIGAN.
WALTZINGSwaltzings n. Plural of waltzing.
WALTZING n. the act of waltzing.
ZEITGEISTzeitgeist n. The spirit of the age; the taste, outlook, and spirit characteristic of a period.
Zeitgeist n. Alternative letter-case form of zeitgeist.
ZEITGEIST n. (German) the general intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.
ZIGGURATSziggurats n. Plural of ziggurat.
ZIGGURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIKKURAT, ZIKURAT.
ZOOLOGISTzoologist n. One who studies zoology.
zoölogist n. Alternative spelling of zoologist.
ZOOLOGIST n. one who studies zoology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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