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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing G, I, N, S and X

BANXRINGSbanxrings n. Plural of banxring.
BANXRING n. (Javanese) a tree-shrew, an E. Indian insectivorous mammal, also BANGSRING.
EXCESSINGexcessing v. Present participle of excess.
EXCESS v. to eliminate the position of.
EXCURSINGexcursing v. Present participle of excurse.
EXCURSE v. (archaic) to digress.
EXIGENCESexigences n. Plural of exigence.
EXIGENCE n. urgency, also EXIGENCY.
EXOGENISMEXOGENISM n. the state of being exogenous, developing from superficial rather than deep tissue.
EXPENSINGexpensing v. Present participle of expense.
EXPENSE v. to charge with costs.
EXPULSINGexpulsing v. Present participle of expulse.
EXPULSE v. (obsolete) to expel.
EXSECTINGexsecting v. Present participle of exsect.
EXSECT v. to cut out.
EXSERTINGexserting v. Present participle of exsert.
EXSERT v. to protrude.
FLEXWINGSflexwings n. Plural of flexwing.
FLEXWING n. a collapsible fabric wing used in hang gliding.
GLOXINIASgloxinias n. Plural of gloxinia.
GLOXINIA n. a house plant with bright bell-shaped flowers.
INDEXINGSindexings n. Plural of indexing.
INDEXING n. the linking of wages and cost-of-living levels.
OXIDISINGoxidising v. Present participle of oxidise.
oxidising adj. Alternative spelling of oxidizing.
OXIDISE v. to combine with oxygen, also OXIDATE, OXIDIZE.
OXYGENISEoxygenise v. Alternative spelling of oxygenize.
OXYGENISE v. to oxygenate, also OXYGENIZE.
SUFFIXINGsuffixing v. Present participle of suffix.
suffixing adj. (Linguistics) Of a language, characterised by heavy use of suffixes to create grammatical forms; as…
suffixing n. The act by which something is suffixed.
SURTAXINGsurtaxing v. Present participle of surtax.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
TEGUEXINSteguexins n. Plural of teguexin.
TEGUEXIN n. (Aztec) a large black and yellow South American lizard, also TEGU.
WRAXLINGSWRAXLING n. the act of wrestling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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