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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing G, I, N, Q and T

ACQUITINGacquiting v. Present participle of acquite (Obsolete spelling of acquitting.).
ACQUITE v. (obsolete) to free from a charge, also ACQUIT, ACQUIGHT.
ANTIQUINGantiquing v. Present participle of antique.
ANTIQUE v. to alter the appearance of e.g. wood to make it seem very old.
LIQUATINGliquating v. Present participle of liquate.
LIQUATE v. to separate or purify (metals) by heating to liquify certain components.
PIQUETINGpiqueting v. Present participle of piquet.
PIQUET v. to act as a picket, also PICKET, PICQUET.
QUATCHINGQUATCH v. (dialect) to stir, move, also QUETCH, QUICH, QUINCHE, QUITCH.
QUESTINGSquestings n. Plural of questing.
QUESTING n. the act of questing.
QUETCHINGquetching v. Present participle of quetch.
QUETCH v. (dialect) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUICH, QUINCHE, QUITCH.
QUIETINGSquietings n. Plural of quieting.
QUIETING n. the act of making quiet.
QUIGHTINGquighting v. Present participle of quight.
QUIGHT v. (Spenser) to quit, depart from, also QUYTE.
QUILTINGSquiltings n. Plural of quilting.
QUILTING n. the act of making quilts.
QUITCHINGquitching v. Present participle of quitch.
QUITCH v. (Spenser) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUETCH, QUICH, QUINCHE.
REQUITINGrequiting v. Present participle of requite.
REQUITE v. to repay.
REQUOTINGrequoting v. Present participle of requote.
REQUOTE v. to quote again.
ROQUETINGroqueting v. Present participle of roquet.
ROQUET v. to make such a stroke, also ROCQUET.
SQUATTINGsquatting n. The posture of one who squats.
squatting n. The act or general practice of occupying a building or land without the permission of the owner.
squatting v. Present participle of squat.
SQUINTINGsquinting v. Present participle of squint.
squinting n. The act of one who squints.
SQUINTING adj. looking with the eyes partly closed.
SQUIRTINGsquirting v. Present participle of squirt.
squirting n. The act of something being squirted.
SQUIRTING n. the act of squirting.
UNQUOTINGunquoting v. Present participle of unquote.
UNQUOTE v. to close a quotation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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