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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2G, H, O and R

ERGOGRAPHergograph n. An instrument for measuring and recording the work done by a single muscle or set of muscles, the rate…
ergograph n. A graph that shows a relation between human activities, or agricultural/climate factors, and a seasonal year.
ERGOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording muscular work.
GEOGRAPHYgeography n. A description of the earth: a treatise or textbook on geography.
geography n. (Archaic) an atlas or gazetteer.
geography n. The study of the physical properties of the earth, including how humans affect and are affected by them.
GHERAOINGgheraoing v. Present participle of gherao.
GHERAO v. to carry out such an action.
GOPHERINGGOPHER v. to burrow, mine.
GROGSHOPSgrogshops n. Plural of grogshop.
grog␣shops n. Plural of grog shop.
GROGSHOP n. a place where grog is sold.
GROUCHINGgrouching v. Present participle of grouch.
GROUCH v. to grumble.
GROUNDHOGgroundhog n. A red-brown marmot, Marmota monax, native to North America.
groundhog n. (Rare) The aardvark.
ground-hog n. Alternative form of groundhog.
HOGGERELShoggerels n. Plural of hoggerel.
HOGGEREL n. (dialect) a young sheep, also HOGG, HOGGET.
HOGGERIEShoggeries n. Plural of hoggery.
HOGGERY n. hogs collectively.
HOTDOGGERhotdogger n. One who hotdogs; a sporting show-off.
HOTDOGGER n. one who hotdogs, shows off.
HYDRAGOGShydragogs n. Plural of hydragog.
HYDRAGOG n. a purgative causing watery discharges.
HYGROLOGYhygrology n. (Medicine) The science that deals with the fluids of the body.
HYGROLOGY n. the study of humidity.
LOGOGRAPHlogograph n. A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase.
LOGOGRAPH n. a written symbol representing an entire spoken word without expressing its pronunciation, also LOGOGRAM.
LOGOGRIPHlogogriph n. A kind of puzzle where a series of verses give clues leading to a particular word.
LOGOGRIPH n. a riddle in which a word is found from other words' letters.
ROUGHAGESroughages n. Plural of roughage.
ROUGHAGE n. coarse, bulky food.
ROUGHINGSroughings n. (UK, dialect) rowen; a second crop of hay.
ROUGHING n. the act of making rough.
ROUGHLEGSroughlegs n. Plural of roughleg.
ROUGHLEG n. any one of several species of large hawk, having the legs feathered to the toes.
SHOGGLIERSHOGGLY adj. (Scots) shaky, also SHOOGLY.
THRONGINGthronging v. Present participle of throng.
thronging n. The act of those who throng or form a crowd.
thronging adj. Of something that throngs.
TROUGHINGtroughing v. Present participle of trough.
troughing v. As a noun: cable troughing.
TROUGHING n. the act of consuming greedily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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