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There are 20 eight-letter words containing G, O, R and 2U

BURGOUTSBURGOUT n. a kind of oatmeal pudding, or thick gruel, used by seamen, also BURGOO.
COUGUARScouguars n. Plural of couguar.
COUGUAR n. a mountain lion, also COUGAR.
FAUBOURGfaubourg n. An outlying part of a city or town, beyond the walls; a suburb, especially of Paris.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FULGOURSfulgours n. Plural of fulgour.
FULGOUR n. splendour, also FULGOR.
FURLOUGHfurlough n. A leave of absence or vacation.
furlough n. The documents authorizing such leave.
furlough n. A period of unpaid time off, used by an employer to reduce costs.
GOURDFULgourdful n. As much as a gourd will carry.
GOURDFUL n. the contents of a gourd.
GURUDOMSgurudoms n. Plural of gurudom.
GURUDOM n. the state of being a guru, also GURUISM.
LONGUEURlongueur n. (Authorship) A lengthy passage in a dramatic or literary work, especially a dull or tedious one; a period of boredom.
LONGUEUR n. (French) a long and tedious section of a book, play, etc.
ORGULOUSorgulous adj. Proud; haughty; disdainful.
orgulous adj. Ostentatious; showy.
orgulous adj. Swollen; augmented; excessive.
OUTARGUEoutargue v. (Transitive) To argue better than; to defeat in argument.
out-argue v. Alternative form of outargue.
out␣argue v. Misspelling of outargue.
OUTGROUPoutgroup n. (Sociology) The group of people who do not belong to one’s own social group.
outgroup n. (Systematics) In cladistics, all the taxa included in a study that do not belong to the ingroup that…
outgroup v. To form an outgroup.
OUTGUARDoutguard n. (Military) A guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army, to watch for…
outguard n. (By extension) Anything for defense placed at a distance from the thing to be defended.
OUTGUARD n. a guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army.
ROUGHOUTroughout n. Anything that has been roughed out.
rough␣out v. (Sculpture, transitive) To create the rough shape of a sculpture from a large block of wood, stone, etc.
rough␣out v. (Idiomatic, transitive) To produce (A plan, diagram etc.) in rough.
RUGULOSErugulose adj. Having small or fine-grained wrinkles. The sense of "somewhat rugose" is better expressed by "subrugulose".
RUGULOSE adj. having small wrinkles.
SOURGUMSsourgums n. Plural of sourgum.
sour␣gums n. Plural of sour gum.
SOURGUM n. a softwood tree of eastern North America.
SUBGROUPsubgroup n. A group within a larger group; a group whose members are some, but not all, of the members of a larger group.
subgroup n. (Group theory) A subset H of a group G that is itself a group and has the same binary operation as G.
subgroup v. To divide or classify into subgroups.
TURLOUGHturlough n. (Ireland) A temporary lake in an area of limestone, filled by rising groundwater during the rainy winter season.
TURLOUGH n. (Irish) a pond that dries up in summer.
UNGROUNDunground adj. Not having been ground; unpulverized.
unground v. (Transitive, electricity, electronics) To remove a connection to ground potential.
unground v. (Transitive) To free from the punishment of being grounded (restricted to home).
UNGROUPSungroups v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ungroup.
UNGROUP v. to separate from a group.
UNROUGEDunrouged adj. Not rouged.
UNROUGED adj. not rouged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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