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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, 2O, R and V

ENGROOVEengroove v. To fit into a groove; to channel.
ENGROOVE v. to fit into a groove, also INGROOVE.
GOVERNORgovernor n. (Politics) The chief executive officer of a first-level division of a country.
governor n. A device which regulates or controls some action of a machine through automatic feedback.
governor n. A member of a decision-making for an organization or entity (including some public agencies) similar…
GROOVERSgroovers n. Plural of groover.
Groovers prop.n. Plural of Groover.
GROOVER n. one who or that which grooves.
GROOVIERgroovier adj. Comparative form of groovy: more groovy.
GROOVY adj. trendy.
GROOVILYgroovily adv. In a groovy manner.
GROOVY adv. trendy.
GROOVINGgrooving v. Present participle of groove.
grooving n. A groove; a long indentation.
GROOVE v. to form a groove (a long narrow depression).
INGROOVEingroove v. (Transitive) To join in or with a groove.
INGROOVE v. to fit into a groove, also ENGROOVE.
OVERDOGSoverdogs n. Plural of overdog.
OVERDOG n. one that is dominant.
OVERGOADOVERGOAD v. to goad too much.
OVERGOESovergoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overgo.
OVERGO v. to travel over.
OVERGONEovergone v. Past participle of overgo.
OVERGO v. to travel over.
OVERGROWovergrow v. (Intransitive) To grow beyond one’s boundaries or containment, or beyond the proper size.
overgrow v. (Transitive) To grow over; (of one thing) to cause (a second thing) to become overgrown (with or by the first thing).
OVERGROW v. to grow over.
OVERLONGoverlong adj. Too long.
overlong adv. Too long, for an excessively long time.
OVERLONG adj. too long.
REGROOVEregroove v. (Transitive) To recut the grooves of a pneumatic tyre.
REGROOVE v. to groove again.
VIGOROSOvigoroso n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played with emphasis, spirit, vigour or energy.
vigoroso n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
vigoroso adv. (Music) Played in this style.
VIGOROUSvigorous adj. Physically strong and active.
vigorous adj. Mentally strong and active.
vigorous adj. Rapid of growth.
VIROLOGYvirology n. The branch of microbiology that deals with the study of viruses and viral diseases.
VIROLOGY n. the study of viruses.
VORAGOESvoragoes n. Plural of vorago.
VORAGO n. (Latin) a gulf.
VROOMINGvrooming v. Present participle of vroom.
VROOM v. to run an engine at high speed, also VAROOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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