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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing G, 3N and O

ANNOYINGannoying adj. Causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious.
annoying v. Present participle of annoy.
annoying n. (Rare) That which annoys; an annoyance.
CONNINGSconnings n. Plural of conning.
CONNING n. the act of directing, steering.
ENNEAGONenneagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with nine sides; a nonagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
ENZONINGenzoning v. Present participle of enzone.
ENZONE v. to engirdle or surround with a zone or belt.
GONFANONgonfanon n. Alternative form of gonfalon.
GONFANON n. (historical) a small flag or pennant immediately below the head of a knight's lance, also GONFALON.
INTONINGintoning v. Present participle of intone.
intoning n. Intonation.
INTONING n. the act of intoning.
MIGNONNEMIGNONNE adj. small and dainty.
MIGNONNE n. a darling.
NOINTINGnointing v. Present participle of noint.
NOINT v. to anoint.
NONAGONSnonagons n. Plural of nonagon.
NONAGON n. a nine-sided polygon.
NONBEINGnonbeing n. (Uncountable) nonexistence.
nonbeing n. (Countable) That which is not a being; a potential entity that does not exist.
NONBEING n. lack of being.
NONCLINGnoncling adj. That does not cling.
NONCLING adj. of a material, that does not cling.
NONGREENnongreen adj. Not green.
NONGREEN adj. not green.
NONPAGANnonpagan n. One who is not a pagan.
nonpagan adj. Not pagan.
NONPAGAN n. one who is not a pagan.
NONUSINGnonusing adj. Not using, especially recreational drugs.
NONUSING adj. not using.
NOONINGSnoonings n. Plural of nooning.
NOONING n. (US) an interval for a meal or rest about midday.
ONIONINGONION v. to apply an onion, an edible bulb, to.
STONNINGSTONNE v. (obsolete) to stun, also STONN, STOUN.
TENONINGtenoning v. Present participle of tenon.
TENON v. to fix or fit with a tenon.
UNBONINGunboning v. Present participle of unbone.
UNBONE v. to remove the bones of.
WONNINGSWONNING n. a dwelling place, also WONING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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