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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, M, R and 2S

GISARMESgisarmes n. Plural of gisarme.
GISARME n. (historical) a long-shafted halberd with two-edged axe carried by a medieval foot soldier.
GORMLESSgormless adj. (Chiefly UK, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, of a person) Lacking intelligence, sense or understanding; foolish.
GORMLESS adj. stupid, witless, vacant, also GAUMLESS.
GOSSAMERgossamer n. A fine film or strand as of cobwebs, floating in the air or caught on bushes, etc.
gossamer n. A soft, sheer fabric.
gossamer n. Anything delicate, light and flimsy.
GRASSUMSgrassums n. Plural of grassum.
GRASSUM n. in Scots law, a lump sum paid in addition to rent by a person taking a lease of landed property.
GRIMNESSgrimness n. The characteristic or quality of being grim.
GRIMNESS n. the quality of being grim.
GRUMNESSGRUMNESS n. the quality of being grum, glum, morose.
GURUISMSguruisms n. Plural of guruism.
GURUISM n. the state of being a guru, also GURUDOM.
ISOGRAMSisograms n. Plural of isogram.
ISOGRAM n. a map line indicating points of equal value, also ISOLINE.
MARGOSASmargosas n. Plural of margosa.
MARGOSA n. (Portuguese) a large tree of genus Melia found in India, valued for medicinal purposes, aka neem.
MASSAGERmassager n. An instrument or device designed to massage the body.
massager n. A masseur or masseuse.
MASSAGER n. one who massages.
MATGRASSmatgrass n. The grass Nardus stricta.
matgrass n. Matweed.
matgrass n. (Australia) Spinifex hirsutus (rolling grass).
MISGROWSmisgrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misgrow.
MISGROW v. to grow abnormally.
OGREISMSogreisms n. Plural of ogreism.
OGREISM n. the state of being ogreish, also OGRISM.
SIMURGHSsimurghs n. Plural of simurgh.
SIMURGH n. (Persian) a monstrous bird of Persian fable, also SIMORG, SIMURG.
SMARAGDSsmaragds n. Plural of smaragd.
SMARAGD n. (archaic) emerald, also EMERAUDE, SMARAGDE.
SMUDGERSsmudgers n. Plural of smudger.
SMUDGER n. (slang) a street or press photographer.
SORGHUMSsorghums n. Plural of sorghum.
SORGHUM n. a genus of grasses related to sugarcane, and including durra and Kaffir corn.
SOURGUMSsourgums n. Plural of sourgum.
sour␣gums n. Plural of sour gum.
SOURGUM n. a softwood tree of eastern North America.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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