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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, M, O, R and T

ANGSTROMangstrom n. (Physics) A unit of length equal to 10−10 meters (that is, one ten-billionth of a meter), approximately…
Angstrom n. Alternative letter-case form of angstrom.
angström n. Alternative form of angstrom.
BERGAMOTbergamot n. A tree of the orange family (Citrus × limon, syn. Citrus bergamia), having a roundish or pear-shaped…
bergamot n. The fruit from the bergamot tree.
bergamot n. The essence or perfume made from the fruit.
ERGOTISMergotism n. The plant disease caused by ergot.
ergotism n. The effect of long-term ergot poisoning, traditionally due to the ingestion of the alkaloids produced…
ergotism n. The usage of ergot infested grain to poison animals.
ETHOGRAMethogram n. (Biology) A catalogue of the typical behaviour patterns of a species.
ETHOGRAM n. a list of the behavior patterns of a species.
GEOMETERgeometer n. A mathematician who specializes in geometry.
geometer n. (Zoology) Any species of geometrid moth (family Geometridae).
GEOMETER n. a specialist in geometry.
GEOMETRYgeometry n. (Mathematics, uncountable) The branch of mathematics dealing with spatial relationships.
geometry n. (Mathematics, often qualified in combination, countable) A mathematical system that deals with spatial…
geometry n. (Countable) The observed or specified spatial attributes of an object, etc.
GEOTHERMgeotherm n. A geoisotherm.
GEOTHERM n. a line on the earth connecting points of equal temperature.
GORMIESTGORMY adj. dauby, smeary, also GAUMY.
GOURMETSgourmets n. Plural of gourmet.
GOURMET n. (French) a connoisseur of fine food and drink.
GROMMETSgrommets n. Plural of grommet.
GROMMET v. to fit with grommets.
MARTAGONmartagon n. The Turk’s cap lily (Lilium martagon).
MARTAGON n. a kind of lily.
MIGRATORmigrator n. Any creature that migrates.
migrator n. (Computing) A computer program that helps move objects between locations, e.g. from a legacy system…
MIGRATOR n. one who migrates, also MIGRANT.
MORTGAGEmortgage n. (Law) A special form of secured loan where the purpose of the loan must be specified to the lender…
mortgage n. (Obsolete) State of being pledged.
mortgage v. (Transitive, law) To borrow against a property, to obtain a loan for another purpose by giving away…
MORTLINGmortling n. (UK, dialect) An animal, such as a sheep, that has died of disease or privation.
mortling n. (UK) Wool taken from a dead sheep.
MORTLING n. a sheep that has died from disease, also MORLING.
MOTORINGmotoring v. Present participle of motor.
motoring n. The act of driving a car.
MOTORING n. the recreation of travelling by automobile.
MUGWORTSmugworts n. Plural of mugwort.
MUGWORT n. a common British plant of the wormwood family.
STORMINGstorming v. Present participle of storm.
storming n. The act by which something is stormed.
storming n. The act of one who storms or rages.
TOMOGRAMtomogram n. A two-dimensional image produced by tomography, representing a slice or section through a three-dimensional object.
TOMOGRAM n. a photograph made with X rays.
TROMPINGtromping v. Present participle of tromp.
TROMP v. to apply heavy foot pressure to something; to tread heavily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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