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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, M, O, P and S

CAMPONGScampongs n. Plural of campong.
CAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also KAMPONG.
COMPAGEScompages n. Plural of compage.
COMPAGE n. (obsolete) a system or structure of many parts united.
COMPINGScompings n. Plural of comping.
COMPING n. the act of entering competitions.
GIPSYDOMgipsydom n. Alternative form of gypsydom.
GIPSYDOM n. the world of gypsies, also GYPSYDOM.
GOPURAMSgopurams n. Plural of gopuram.
GOPURAM n. (Sanskrit) in South India, a pyramidal tower over the gateway of a temple, also GOPURA.
GUMDROPSgumdrops n. Plural of gumdrop.
GUMDROP n. a type of chewy candy.
GYPSYDOMgypsydom n. The realm or sphere of gypsies.
GYPSYDOM n. the world of the gypsy, also GIPSYDOM.
IMPOSINGimposing v. Present participle of impose.
imposing adj. Magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, stateliness or dignity.
IMPOSING adj. impressive.
KAMPONGSkampongs n. Plural of kampong.
KAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also CAMPONG.
MEGALOPSmegalops n. (Zoology) A larva, in a stage following the zoea, in the development of most crabs. In this stage the…
megalops n. A large fish; the tarpum.
MEGALOPS n. a larval stage of most crabs.
MEGAPODSmegapods n. Plural of megapod.
MEGAPOD n. one of a family of birds of Australasia, including jungle fowl, brush turkey, etc., also MEGAPODE.
PIGMOIDSpigmoids n. Plural of pigmoid.
PIGMOID n. a pigmy.
POLYGAMSpolygams n. Plural of polygam.
POLYGAM n. (Greek) a plant with male, female and hermaphrodite flowers together.
POSTGAMEpostgame adj. (Sports) Following a game, usually specifically a sporting match.
postgame adj. (Video games) Content that follows the main story of the game.
postgame n. (Media) A postgame show.
PROGRAMSprograms n. Plural of program.
programs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of program.
PROGRAM v. to arrange in a plan of proceedings.
PYGMOIDSpygmoids n. Plural of pygmoid.
PYGMOID n. a pygmy, also PIGMOID.
SPOOMINGspooming v. Present participle of spoom.
SPOOM v. to scud before the wind.
STOMPINGstomping v. Present participle of stomp.
stomping adj. In a way that stomps or suggests stomping; stompy; thumping.
stomping n. The act of one who stomps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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