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There are 19 eight-letter words containing G, L, S and 2U

ANGULOUSangulous adj. (Archaic) angular; having corners.
ANGULOUS adj. having an angle.
ARUGULASarugulas n. Plural of arugula.
ARUGULA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, RUCOLA, RUGOLA.
AUGUSTLYaugustly adv. In an august or awe-inspiring manner.
augustly adv. In a royal or regal manner.
AUGUST adv. stately, venerable.
BLUEGUMSbluegums n. Plural of bluegum.
blue␣gums n. Plural of blue gum.
BLUEGUM n. any of several species of eucalyptus.
BULGHURSBULGHUR n. (Turkish) a form of cooked, broken wheat, also BULGAR, BULGUR, BURGHUL.
BURGHULSBURGHUL n. (Turkish) a form of cooked, broken wheat, also BULGAR, BULGHUR, BULGUR.
FULGOURSfulgours n. Plural of fulgour.
FULGOUR n. splendour, also FULGOR.
GLAUCOUSglaucous adj. (Color) Of a pale grey or bluish-green, especially when covered with a powdery residue.
glaucous adj. (Botany) Covered with a bloom or a pale powdery covering, regardless of colour.
GLAUCOUS adj. sea-green; greyish-blue; covered with a powdery greenish or bluish bloom.
GLUTAEUSglutaeus n. Alternative form of gluteus.
glutæus n. Obsolete form of gluteus.
GLUTAEUS n. (Greek) any of the three large muscles of the buttock, also GLUTE.
GUAYULESguayules n. Plural of guayule.
GUAYULE n. (Nahuatl) a silver-leaved shrub of the daisy family.
GUTSFULSGUTSFUL n. one's fill, more than enough, also GUTFUL.
JUGULARSjugulars n. (Rare) plural of jugular.
JUGULAR n. a vein in the neck.
LUNGFULSlungfuls n. Plural of lungful.
LUNGFUL n. as much as the lungs can hold.
MUDSLUNGMUDSLING v. to use insults and accusations against a rival candidate.
ORGULOUSorgulous adj. Proud; haughty; disdainful.
orgulous adj. Ostentatious; showy.
orgulous adj. Swollen; augmented; excessive.
RUGULOSErugulose adj. Having small or fine-grained wrinkles. The sense of "somewhat rugose" is better expressed by "subrugulose".
RUGULOSE adj. having small wrinkles.
SLUMGUMSslumgums n. Plural of slumgum.
SLUMGUM n. the residue remaining after honey is extracted from a honeycomb.
SURGEFULsurgeful adj. (Archaic) Abounding in surges.
SURGEFUL adj. full of surges.
VULGUSESvulguses n. Plural of vulgus.
VULGUS n. (Latin) the common people; a schoolboy Latin composition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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