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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing G, L, O and 2T

BLOTTINGblotting v. Present participle of blot.
blotting n. A blot; a stain.
blotting n. The process by which something is blotted.
BOTTLINGbottling n. A batch of bottled liquids, as from a single vat, barrel, or seasonal growth.
bottling n. The act of pelting (A musical act on stage, etc.) with bottles as a sign of disapproval.
bottling v. Present participle of bottle.
CLOTTINGclotting v. Present participle of clot.
clotting n. Clotted material.
CLOTTING n. the act of coagulating.
GLUTTONSgluttons n. Plural of glutton.
GLUTTON n. a person who feeds to excess.
GLUTTONYgluttony n. The vice of eating to excess.
GLUTTONY n. excessive eating.
MOTTLINGmottling v. Present participle of mottle.
mottling n. Spots or blotches of different shades or colours.
MOTTLING n. a blotched appearance.
OILTIGHToiltight adj. So tightly made that oil cannot enter or escape.
OILTIGHT adj. having the ability to exclude oil.
PLOTTAGEplottage n. The increase in value of land achieved by parcelling smaller plots into a developable unit.
PLOTTAGE n. the size or value of a specified piece of land, regarded in terms of the area accumulated from its constituent plots.
PLOTTINGplotting v. Present participle of plot.
plotting n. The act of scheming or making plots; machination.
PLOTTING adj. conspiratorial.
SLOTTINGslotting v. Present participle of slot.
slotting n. Allocation to a slot.
SLOT v. to cut a long narrow opening in.
TOLLGATEtollgate n. A barrier across a toll road or toll bridge that is lifted when the toll is paid.
TOLLGATE v. to block a business deal pending the payment of a bribe.
TOOTLINGtootling v. Present participle of tootle.
tootling n. The sound of a tootle.
TOOTLE v. to go along casually, esp. by car; to make feeble sounds on the flute, also TOODLE.
TOTALINGtotaling v. Present participle of total.
TOTAL v. to amount to.
TRIGLOTStriglots n. Plural of triglot.
TRIGLOT n. a book written in three languages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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