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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing G, L, 2N and R

ENLARGENenlargen v. (Nonstandard) To enlarge.
ENLARGEN v. (Spenser) to make larger, also ENLARGE.
GNARLINGgnarling v. Present participle of gnarl.
GNARL v. to twist into a state of deformity, also KNARL.
KNURLINGknurling v. Present participle of knurl.
knurling n. A knurled pattern.
KNURLING n. a moulding of ornamental knobs.
LEARNINGlearning n. (Uncountable) An act in which something is learned.
learning n. (Uncountable) Accumulated knowledge.
learning n. (Countable) Something that has been learned.
LONGERONlongeron n. A thin strip of wood or metal, to which the skin of an aircraft is fastened.
LONGERON n. (French) a longitudinal member of an aeroplane's fuselage.
LONGHORNlonghorn n. A breed of beef cattle, having long horns, bred in Texas and other parts of southwest United States.
LONGHORN n. one of a breed of long-horned cattle.
LORGNONSlorgnons n. Plural of lorgnon.
LORGNON n. (French) a pair of eyeglasses with a handle.
NONGLAREnonglare adj. Not subject to glare.
NONGLARE n. a material designed to eliminate glare.
NURDLINGnurdling v. Present participle of nurdle.
NURDLE v. in cricket, to score runs by gently pushing with the bat rather than hitting hard.
NURSLINGnursling n. A young child or animal being nursed.
Nursling prop.n. A suburban village in Nursling and Rownhams parish, Test Valley district, Hampshire, England, just outside…
NURSLING n. an infant that is being suckled, also NURSELING.
RANKLINGrankling v. Present participle of rankle.
rankling n. A sensation that rankles.
RANKLE v. to cause irritation or resentment in.
RELININGrelining v. Present participle of reline.
RELINE v. to line again.
RUNKLINGrunkling v. Present participle of runkle.
RUNKLE v. to wrinkle, crease, also RUCK, RUCKLE.
SNARLINGsnarling adj. Growling, having a snarl.
snarling n. The act of producing a snarl or growl.
snarling v. Present participle of snarl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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