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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing G, I and 3O

OINOLOGYoinology n. Alternative form of oenology.
OINOLOGY n. the study of wines, also OENOLOGY, ENOLOGY.
OOGONIALoogonial adj. Of or pertaining to an oogonium.
oögonial adj. Alternative spelling of oogonial.
OOGONIAL adj. relating to oogonia, the female reproductive organs in fungi or seaweed.
OOGONIUMoogonium n. (Biology) An immature ovarian egg within a developing fetus.
oogonium n. (Botany, mycology) A sac (the female gametangium) containing oospheres in algae or fungi.
oögonium n. Alternative spelling of oogonium.
OOLOGIESOOLOGY n. the study of birds' eggs.
OOLOGISToologist n. A person who studies or specializes in oology.
oölogist n. Alternative spelling of oologist.
OOLOGIST n. an expert in oology.
OTOLOGICotologic adj. Synonym of otological.
OTOLOGIC adj. relating to otology, the science of the ear, also OTOLOGICAL.
ROSOGLIOrosoglio n. Alternative form of rosolio.
ROSOGLIO n. (Italian) a sweet cordial made with raisins, also ROSOLIO.
VIGOROSOvigoroso n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played with emphasis, spirit, vigour or energy.
vigoroso n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
vigoroso adv. (Music) Played in this style.
ZOOLOGICzoologic adj. Zoological.
ZOOLOGIC adj. relating to zoology, also ZOOLOGICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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