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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing G, I, M and 2T

EMITTINGemitting v. Present participle of emit.
EMIT v. to send forth.
MATTINGSmattings n. Plural of matting.
MATTING n. a woven fabric used as a floor covering.
MIGHTESTmightest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple past form of may.
mightest adj. (Obsolete) superlative form of might: most might.
MIGHTEST v. (archaic) 2nd person singular of might, also MIGHTST.
MITIGANTmitigant adj. Tending to mitigate.
mitigant n. Something that mitigates; a lenitive.
MITIGANT n. something that mitigates.
MITIGATEmitigate v. (Transitive) To reduce, lessen, or decrease; to make less severe or easier to bear.
mitigate v. (Transitive) To downplay.
MITIGATE v. to make less severe, also MEASE.
MOTTLINGmottling v. Present participle of mottle.
mottling n. Spots or blotches of different shades or colours.
MOTTLING n. a blotched appearance.
MUTATINGmutating v. Present participle of mutate.
mutating adj. Causing or tending to cause mutation.
mutating adj. (Programming, of an object) Having the ability to make changes to data other than its makeup.
OMITTINGomitting v. Present participle of omit.
omitting n. An act of omission.
OMIT v. to leave out.
SMITTINGsmitting v. Present participle of smit.
SMIT v. (Scots) to stain, infect.
SMUTTINGsmutting v. Present participle of smut.
SMUT v. to soil, make smutty, also SMUTCH.
STIGMATAstigmata n. Plural of stigma.
Stigmata prop.n. (Religion, Christianity) bodily marks or sores, corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds…
STIGMA n. (Latin) a mark of disgrace.
TEMPTINGtempting adj. Attractive, appealing, enticing.
tempting adj. Seductive, alluring, inviting.
tempting v. Present participle of tempt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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