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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing G, 3I and T

DIGITISEdigitise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of digitize.
DIGITISE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITIZE.
DIGITIZEdigitize v. (Transitive, computing) To represent something (such as an image or sound) as a structured sequence of binary digits.
digitize v. To quantize a continuous or analog value; to convert it into a discrete value.
digitize v. (Transitive, obsolete) To finger.
IGNITINGigniting v. Present participle of ignite.
IGNITE v. to set on fire.
IGNITIONignition n. The act of igniting.
ignition n. The initiation of combustion.
ignition n. (Automotive, mechanical engineering) A system for activating combustion in a combustion engine.
INCITINGinciting v. Present participle of incite.
INCITE v. to arouse to action.
INDITINGinditing v. Present participle of indite.
INDITE v. to write or compose, also DITE, ENDITE.
INVITINGinviting adj. Alluring; tempting; attractive.
inviting v. Present participle of invite.
inviting n. Invitation.
LIGNITIClignitic adj. Containing or resembling lignite.
LIGNITIC adj. of or containing lignite.
LIMITINGlimiting n. A limitation.
limiting v. Present participle of limit.
LIMITING adj. setting a limit.
RIGIDITYrigidity n. The quality or state of being rigid; lack of pliability; the quality of resisting change of physical shape.
rigidity n. The amount of resistance with which a body opposes change of form.
rigidity n. Stiffness of appearance or manner; want of ease or elegance.
TIGRIDIATigridia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Iridaceae – various bulbous or cormous flowering plants.
TIGRIDIA n. a tropical American plant with colourful flowers.
VISITINGvisiting v. Present participle of visit.
visiting n. The act of someone or something that visits.
VISITING n. the act of paying a visit.
VITILIGOvitiligo n. (Dermatology) The patchy loss of skin pigmentation.
vitiligo n. (Obsolete) Alphos, a form of leprosy.
VITILIGO n. (Latin) a rare skin disease consisting in the development of smooth, milk-white spots upon various parts of the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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