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There are 18 eight-letter words containing G, H, P, R and S

DIGRAPHSdigraphs n. Plural of digraph.
DIGRAPH n. a pair of letters representing a single speech sound.
GRAPHICSgraphics n. The making of architectural or design drawings.
graphics n. The graphic arts.
graphics n. (Computing) The pictorial representation and manipulation of data; the process by which a computer displays data.
GROGSHOPgrogshop n. A shop or room where strong liquors are sold and drunk.
grog␣shop n. Alternative form of grogshop.
GROGSHOP n. a place where grog is sold.
GRUMPISHgrumpish adj. Surly; sullen; gruff; grumpy.
GRUMPISH adj. grumpy.
GRYPHONSgryphons n. Plural of gryphon.
GRYPHON n. a fabled animal part lion and part eagle, also GRIFFIN, GRYFON.
GURUSHIPguruship n. The status of a guru.
GURUSHIP n. the office of a guru.
HARPINGSharpings n. (Nautical) The front part of the wales of a vessel, around the bow and fastened to the stem; used to…
HARPING n. a wooden plank used in shipbuilding, also HARPIN.
ISOGRAPHisograph n. (Sociolinguistics) A line indicating the geographical boundaries within which a particular feature of…
ISOGRAPH n. a map line indicating similar linguistical areas.
PHRASINGphrasing v. Present participle of phrase.
phrasing n. The way a statement is put together, particularly in matters of style and word choice.
PHRASING n. a style of verbal expression.
PRIGGISHpriggish adj. Like a prig.
PRIGGISH adj. marked by priggism.
SHARPINGsharping v. Present participle of sharp.
sharping n. (Music) The raising of the pitch of a note by half a step.
sharping n. Fraud; trickery; the acts of a sharper.
SHOPGIRLshopgirl n. A girl who works in a shop; a young saleswoman.
SHOPGIRL n. a salesgirl.
SPHERINGsphering n. The practice of humans traveling in a sphere, generally made of transparent plastic, usually for fun.
SPHERE v. to form into a type of geometric solid circle.
SPREAGHSspreaghs n. Plural of spreagh.
SPREAGH n. (Gaelic) a cattle raid, a foray.
SPRIGHTSsprights n. Plural of spright.
SPRIGHT v. (Shakespeare) to haunt.
SUBGRAPHsubgraph n. (Graph theory) A graph or network that makes up part of a larger graph or network.
SUBGRAPH n. a graph contained within a larger graph.
SYNGRAPHsyngraph n. (Law) A document signed by both or all of the parties to a contract or bond.
SYNGRAPH n. a contract signed all or both parties.
UPRIGHTSuprights n. (American football, rugby) Vertical (upright) posts of the goal.
uprights n. Plural of upright.
Uprights prop.n. Plural of Upright.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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