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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing G, H, L, O and P

HOPINGLYhopingly adv. In a hopeful manner.
HOPING adv. HOPE, to have a desire or expectation.
HOPPLINGhoppling v. Present participle of hopple.
HOPPLE v. to restrain by tying the feet together, also HOBBLE.
HYPERGOLhypergol n. (Chemistry, aeronautics) Any hypergolic propellant.
HYPERGOL n. a rocket fuel.
HYPOGEALhypogeal adj. Existing or growing underground.
hypogeal adj. (Botany, of a cotyledon) Remaining under the surface of the ground after being germinated.
HYPOGEAL adj. germinating with cotyledons underground, also HYPOGAEAL, HYPOGAEAN, HYPOGAEOUS, HYPOGEAN, HYPOGEOUS.
LONGSHIPlongship n. A type of naval vessel made by the Vikings.
LONGSHIP n. a Viking ship, also LONGBOAT.
PHLEGMONphlegmon n. A solid mass formed by inflamed connective tissue, such as forms around an appendix in appendicitis.
PHLEGMON n. an inflammation with pus.
PLOUGHEDploughed v. Simple past tense and past participle of plough.
ploughed adj. Turned over with the blade of a plough to create furrows (usually for planting crops).
ploughed adj. (Figuratively, rare) Well-trodden or well-researched, previously explored.
PLOUGHERplougher n. Alternative spelling of plower.
PLOUGHER n. one who ploughs, also PLOWER.
PLUGHOLEplughole n. (Chiefly Australia, New Zealand, Britain) The hole at the bottom of a bath, sink or tub, which can be…
PLUGHOLE n. a drain-hole in a sink, bath etc. which may be stopped with a plug.
REPLOUGHreplough v. (Transitive) To plough again.
REPLOUGH v. to plough again, also REPLOW.
SHOPGIRLshopgirl n. A girl who works in a shop; a young saleswoman.
SHOPGIRL n. a salesgirl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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